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Spiritualitate universală

Vipassana – Tough but Illuminating 10 Days of Silence

  How would you handle no phone, no television, no internet, no books or magazines, no writing in a journal, no distractions, and no contact with the people who normally keep you engaged with the world outside your head for ten straight days? How about no lovemaking? Or not killing even a mosquito? If this sounds…
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Când Dumnezeu vrea să miluiască pe cineva, atunci insuflă altora dorinţa de a se ruga pentru el, şi-i ajută în rugăciunea aceasta

  Domnul vrea să-i mântuiască pe toţi oamenii şi în bunătatea Lui cheamă la El lumea întreagă. Domnul nu ia voinţa de la suflet, ci prin harul Său El o îndreptează spre bine şi o atrage spre iubirea Lui. Când Dumnezeu vrea să miluiască pe cineva, atunci insuflă altora dorinţa de a se ruga…
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How to spot fairies: 11 signs when fairies are near you

  Fairies. Winged, cheerful and wonderfully enchanting entities which have long been associated with the forces and elements of nature since antiquity. The kingdom of fairies is a completely different realm which is in the Ethereal Plane. However, the fairy realm is in close contact with the Material World we live…
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