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Why quercetin belongs in your immune support kit

Are you ready to boost your immunity and be better prepared to face any possible assaults from bacteria, viruses, and fungi? We all need to be ready to help keep our immune system operating at its very best, and that means doing a variety of activities, such as following a nutritious diet, getting adequate sleep, avoiding environmental…

30 awe-inspiring facts about your body

“At the atomic level, we are in a sense eternal” – Bill Bryson. When is the last time you felt awe? That time-stopping, heart-tugging, WOW-inducing sense of wonder that has been described by psychologist Dacher Keltner as the feeling of “being in the presence of something vast that transcends your understanding of the world.” Often, we…

The sweet stevia conspiracy

Stevia, a plant once banned and confiscated in the U.S. during the ’80s and ’90s because it had non-toxic and sweet-tasting leaves, has a story all its own. Even Stevia’s own printed story was at one time seized by the FDA in Dallas with the intent to burn the publications. Competition for Market Share The story of Stevia begins…

Simple strategies that will improve your immunity (II)

“The Immunity Fix: Strengthen Your Immune System, Fight Off Infections, Reverse Chronic Disease and Live a Healthier Life”, a new book written by James DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D., review how to improve and regulate immunity – a topic that should be high on anybody’s list these times. Read the first part of the article Below continues…

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