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Healthy Food

Protect your vision with goji berries

Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD – characterized by deterioration of the light-sensing macula in the eye’s retina – is the leading cause of blindness in Americans over age 65. According to the Bright Focus Foundation for Macular Degeneration Research, AMD currently affects over 11 million people in the United States, a number that…

Nature’s Prozac: nutrition for psychical health

In a pill-popping world, the idea of simply providing your brain and body with what it needs for psychical health is nothing short of revolutionary. One in five Americans currently takes one or more psychiatric drugs on a daily basis. Psychiatric medications are among the most widely prescribed and biggest-selling class of drugs in…

The secret to making delicious green juices

Making green juice delicious is as easy as what is called using the ‘magic 3’ – and boy, they are magical. It’s amazing just how much this simple little secret can transform the way our taste buds react to dark green juice recipes. Believe it or not, even your children will love green juices – if you make them correctly. Okay, get your…

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