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Nanotechnology In McDonald’s Food

Under The Microscope This is a video by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. He shows McDonald’s food under the microscope. He finds strange fibers and other material that resemble what is coming out of Morgellon sufferers’ skin. …

Eight uses for Echinacea backed by science

  Echinacea (pronounced ek-in-nay-sha) is a medicinal plant used by Native Americans to treat snake bites and cure septic wounds. Its popularity today is founded on several studies that prove its efficacy in shortening the common cold and reducing fever. This small, purple flower is indeed a herb you should…

FAKE SCIENCE: JAMA study falsely claims no benefit for heart disease sufferers taking omega 3s – but there are major flaws in their ‘research’

  When a natural cure starts to gain a lot of attention for its efficacy in treating a particular ailment, those who profit from the conventional medical treatments do their best to downplay its abilities and protect their income stream. A meta-analysis in JAMA Cardiology casting doubt on omega-3…

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