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How To Make Essential Oils at Home

Essential oils have been used for centuries to heal and treat ailments. There are essential oils for medical care, essential oils that can help to naturally clean your home or even make natural repellents. There are essential oils that can soothe symptoms to cold and flu viruses, or you even make your own beauty creams…

The Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

  Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is made from nutritious, organically grown apples and retains many beneficial components because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. ACV undergoes two fermentation processes where it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is.…

Five Life-Saving Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric, also known as curcumin, is a medicinal plant that has been used to remedy a number of diseases for over 4,000 years. Commonly used as a spice in Southeast Asia, the turmeric root is growing in popularity internationally due to recent discoveries of its healing potential. With over 9,000 papers published on the…

Why Do We Laugh?

  When you stop and think about it, the sounds people make when something strikes their funny bone are kind of odd; maybe even bizarre. But the whoops and snorts that sometimes constitute a spontaneous explosion of mirth is a science, researchers say. There are reasons for a good belly laugh that psychologists…

How stress affects the brain

Our mood is a transient frame of mind that influences how we think and view the world. It is influenced by events in our lives, the amount of sleep we get, hormones, even the weather. But what role does the brain play in shaping our mood? The limbic system Many regions fundamental to mood are…

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