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Internationalizing the Bivolaru Case

  The news that Gregorian Bivolaru had been taken in custody by the Swedish Police reached us on Tuesday. Bivolaru, spiritual leader of MISA, had been caught by the Interpol and retained by the Malmö Police while he was visiting the Immigration Office. Bivolaru had lodged an application for political asylum, which was under review.…

There are high chances for Gregorian Bivolaru to be soon released

Bucharest, April 7, 2005. Gregorian Bivolaru’s trial has started today, on April 7, in Sweden. The Court of Justice in Malmo has decided to restrain him for two more weeks, until the Romanian authorities send the documents regarding the alleged crimes, which could justify the extradition request. The restraining decision can be…

October 1st, 2004: Yoga practitioner magistrate discredited

Bucharest, October 1st, 2004. MISA yoga school denounces the way in which the investigators created sensation around the case of MISA and its leader Gregorian Bivolaru. It can not be a coincidence the fact that in the very day of Gregorian Bivolaru’s trial the representatives of the Supreme Council of Magistracy are investigating…

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