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The Pentagon paid scientist to develop ‘trans-medium’ military craft after fears that China already has UFO technology

The Department of Defense paid Air Force scientist Salvatore Pais to develop a “trans-medium” military craft modeled after unidentified flying objects (UFO) that can operate both in air and underwater. The Pentagon funded the project out of concern that China might already have advanced UFO technology at its disposal. Pais was formerly…

Huge Group Of Doctors From 30 Countries: ‘There Is No Scientific Foundation To The Concept Of Vaccine Passports’

A group of doctors say natural immunity to coronavirus infection is long lasting but fear people will be coerced into taking top-up vaccines in order to re-access society when their so-called Covid immunity after the jab expires within just six months. Doctors for Covid Ethics, a group of doctors across Europe and North America,…

Chinese Communist Party constructing nearly 100 more bio labs like Wuhan Institute of Virology

The Chinese Communist Party’s Ministry of Science and Technology announced the country is constructing three additional biosafety level-4 labs and 88 biosafety level-3 labs. “China inaugurated the Biosecurity Law on April 15, which is expected to further fortify the legal shield for the establishment and safe operation of more bio labs…

200+ doctors call for global vitamin D distribution because it’s cheap and reduces COVID infections, hospitalizations and deaths

Over two hundred doctors and scientists have come together in support of worldwide distribution of vitamin D to help treat covid infections and reduce hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths. The doctors are calling on all governments and healthcare systems around the world to immediately recommend and distribute vitamin D to adult…

Bill Gates, China, 23andMe, and your DNA

Recent reports reveal that a Chinese company with connections to the Gates Foundation is involved in COVID-19 testing and poses a potential threat to American privacy, particularly the medical and health data of those who have been tested for COVID-19. In late January, CBS’ 60 Minutes reported: “60 Minutes has learned Chinese company…

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