From One Vibe To Another: Tips On Transitioning Into Your Awakened Life

Spiritual awakenings create the space in our lives for us to see and understand things in ways that we never could have imagined. As we move through our healing, we see that the roles, expectations, and ideas we had of ourselves and others are based in a reality of which we no longer choose to be part. At some point along the journey, the life you thought you’d be living no longer matches up with what your heart/soul wishes to be engaged in. You begin to realize that you need a change. You become aware of this thing called your souls’ purpose and you begin shifting into finding ways to do that.

Many of us are in various phases of redefining and redesigning our lives so that they match what we know in our hearts is our truth. Some things are easier to change than others, and who has difficulty with what is largely connected to their own personal energy story.

Here are a few tips and tricks that might be of use to you while in the process of shifting:

Connect to love and joy: Most importantly, connect with joy and love at all possible points. That is a key to 5D living. As we are raising our vibration through cutting cords and releasing that which no longer serves us, it is important that we remember to form connections to the vibrational experience we wish to have. When we choose those connections and remind ourselves of it in situations when we are being tested, it makes it easier for us to actually enjoy and see the good in what we are experiencing and to appreciate the lessons. Connect to love and joy first thing in the morning and at various points throughout the day, particularly when feeling challenged.

Using affirmations and intentions to focus your energy: One of the biggest issues is staying focused on completing things that matter associated with the 3D life while also stepping into and being inspired by the refined, spiritual dimensions of the manifestation as a spiritual aspirant. Keep putting spiritual evolution ahead of all other tasks, and wound up at a stalwart with everything else. Energetically speaking, this is allowing focus and intention go to the spiritual values at the expense of everything else. As soon as you choose to place your focus on completing certain tasks, you have the energy and will to complete them. To ensure that you are remaining connected to the tasks you choose to complete, try using focused intention day to day with tasks. “I AM…” affirmations are also great for energy honing.

Learn how to manage your energy in relation to your environment: Many are experiencing increased energy sensitivity that makes being in the presence of variables like cranky co-workers/customers and excessive lighting/technology more difficult than it used to be. Basic skills like energy grounding and clearing are great to help clear out and transmute environments that you feel uncomfortable in. Some people like to take gemstones with them into difficult or highly stimulating environments to aid in energy balancing and protection. In general, learning how to work with, understand, and protect your energy system is an integral part of being able to enjoy and work with your blossoming sensibilities.

Know that you are right on time: Many spiritual aspirants report feeling an urgency about figuring out their missions and serving humanity RIGHT NOW.

We have made it past the big “hump” that so many of us were feeling urgency about. While it is most certainly important to continue on our paths, the world is not going to crumble if we need to take a day, a week, or a month to attend to something that matters to us. Also – do not forget that what you are doing – being a person in this world who chooses love is serving a major role because you are raising the vibration of the collective. Even when you feel like you’re doing nothing, by being you, you actually are!

When in doubt, return to point one – connect to love and joy.

For certain, shifting vibrational space, both within and without, does involve a lot of work on our end, and the process is not without its discomforts. It can also be a lot of fun if we let it. The choice to feel joy and love is just that – a choice – and one that we must make each and every day.


September 12, 2017

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