Psychiatry’s Darkest Aspects in the Big PharMonopoly


Why has there been such a dramatic rise in mental disease and invariably increased prescribed psychiatric drug use in recent years? Could it simply be because more people are getting mentally disabled? Or could it be due to a number of other dark and sinister aspects at work related to psychiatry’s connection to Big Pharma’s profit machine?
In light of this here are some of psychiatry’s darkest aspects in the Big PharMonopoly.

The baseless chemical imbalance theory

Big Pharma has made trillions in psychiatric drug sales on the chemical imbalance theory. This widely accepted principle is based on the idea that mental diseases are caused by an imbalance of chemical neurotransmitters in the brain. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this theory. For example, there is no evidence proving that the accepted cause of depression is an imbalance of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Although rigorously promoted by Big Pharma, psychiatrists, sales and marketing representatives, the portfolio-expanding money-spinning pharmaceutical drug treatment model of mental disease is therefore based on fiction. With the baseless chemical imbalance theory, the tragedy is that patients have not been cured. As they continue to suffer, what about the dangerous side effects of these drugs? On the encouraging side, research suggests that chemical changes rather than imbalances are the causes of mental disease.

Fictitious Diseases


If ever there’s a case of psychiatry and Big Pharma rearing its ugly head, it’s in the way of disease mongering through inventing fictitious mental diseases. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is said to be a classic example. Just before he died, Leon Eisenberg, the originator of ADHD, confessed that it was a fictitious disease.

Another trick used by corrupt psychiatry and Big Pharma is to change the name of a drug and use it to treat another mental disorder in the hope of getting a better sales return. This has worked for a number of drugs. For example, Abilify was originally meant to be the wonder drug for treating schizophrenia, but failed to make the mark on anticipated sales. So Abilify was then used to treat severe depression in conjunction with other drugs and sales skyrocketed, in spite of comments from health professionals saying the drug doesn’t work, and that there’s no evidence for its efficacy!

You may be wondering how the psychiatric industry and Big Pharma got away with it. Simple. The FDA approval body gave the thumbs up to this drug on the basis that its effects were unknown. The board members had been rigged with psychiatrists having financial ties to the pharmaceutical company selling the drug… This process, with its conflict of interest and corruption, has been repeated many times over the years to influence the FDA’s approval of other drugs.

Further, from research and development approval bodies, drug manufacture, sales and marketing, to treatment… corruption occurs at all levels in psychiatry.

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Model)

The DSM is a catalogue used to identify and treat mental diseases. Since its origination in the 1930’s the DSM’s number of identified mental diseases has gone up from 30-odd to currently over 370. Based on patients’ symptoms mental diseases have been added to the catalogue over the years by votes from various boards of psychiatrists having no convincing objective scientific evidence to support their claims.

No wonder it has been said that psychiatry and Big Pharma’s pill-for-every-ill mentality has created a number of fictitious diseases solely for increased drug sales…


Enforced psychiatric treatment and the 6 years old boy locked up in a psychiatric hospital for “throwing a temper tantrum”

Corruption occurs in psychiatry through using false pretenses to enforce psychiatric treatment. Thus, in some circumstances, people may be putting themselves in a vulnerable position when placing their full trust in the psychiatrist. For instances, some parents have trusted psychiatrists to know what’s best for their child’s health, only to result in dire straits for the child, as in the case of a 6 years old boy who got locked up in a psychiatric hospital for “throwing a temper tantrum”.

Staff and administrators lacking empathy

Psychiatry’s darkest aspects in the Big PharMonopoly include a number of staff and administrators lacking in empathy towards the care and treatment of psychiatric patients. Once again, that hoary old chestnut “it’s in the money” may well be at influence here, tied to corporate and political agendas…

Such is the said corruption related to the hospital where the 6 years old boy was committed. This psychiatric hospital and a chain of others under the ownership of Universal Health Services, in the Unites States, are under criminal investigation for medical fraud. The upshot of this alleged fraud is that the hospitals with their staff and administrators have used whatever methods they can to hold patients. Thus, beds are filled for collecting the patients’ insurance payments until they run out.

Whatever the result of this investigation it clearly shows how parental rights are under fire. Parents have to stand up to this or the circumstances will not change and may even get worse. 

Biased approaches

As with other branches of medicine, psychiatry is heavily sponsored and controlled by the Big Pharma medical/pharmaceutical establishment; from academic training, research and development, approval bodies, marketing, sales, to diagnoses and treatment… taking the blinkered approach that they “know what’s best”.

Alternative, natural health approaches with its advocates are looked upon as enemies, as they threaten to undercut the state-sponsored medical pharmaceutical drug cartel’s businesses. Hence, regardless of its efficacy, there is a war on natural health.

Making it extremely difficult for competitors

On similar lines to the above, through its ability to meet high costs for research and development, sales and marketing, then there’s the obligatory systems, procedures and protocols. The medical/pharmaceutical establishment have monopolized the health industry by making it extremely difficult for the alternative medicine and naturopathic practitioners to compete with it.


Discernment is the key if you or your loved ones are in need of treatment. Having been indoctrinated and tied into the money spinning medical/pharmaceutical establishment the doctor may not recommend what’s best. Maybe an alternative natural health based approach is needed instead. Do your research, and then consult with health professionals before deciding what to do…

Then there’s the case of standing up for the right to health freedom and not have to be subjected to any enforced healthcare.
The bottom line is that nobody should be able to tell you what to do with your body (or your child’s).

This insightful video nicely summarizes how the Big PharMonopoly came about and helps to put things into perspective:


December 1, 2017 

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