Timeline Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, And The Hidden Forces In Life (3)


by Bernhard Guenther

Read the second part of the article

Reality Creation and Divine Will

The path towards awakening is about aligning “Your” will with “Divine Will” – your connection to universal spirit with the “I AM presence” within. In doing so, you will receive what you truly want and need (from a soul-based level), which are delivered via the lessons you need to learn as you diligently-develop the gifts/talents you have that are unique to you… most of these abilities you may not be fully aware of (yet). This is also how true “reality creation” works – in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

However, it’s vital to note that this process will conflict with any desires and goals you have/had which stem from ego/individuality identification and social/cultural programming “insertions”. It also requires healing/letting go of any past hurts, grudges, resentments, shadow aspects, wounds, and traumas, which are being triggered/revealed even more so now in these days of accelerated energetic activity.

In other words, you need to clear your “vessel” for higher energies to be able to anchor themselves in you, reconnecting you to who you truly are (activating your original blueprint/DNA). That process has profound effects on the outside world (which is not really “outside” or separated from “you”) with regards to a reality-creation process that is based upon your internal healing journey (and resulting increase in embodied “Being-ness” frequency). This is very different from what is being promoted these days within the distorted New Age idea of “reality creation” or “law of attraction”, where the focus is usually restricted to a series of positive thought creeds, daily affirmations and visualization techniques.

To be clear, there is nothing wrong with any of that (focusing on positive thoughts, making affirmations, and engaging in visualizations). The problem is only if we do it forcefully, resulting in suppression of the shadow; oftentimes, this fear of “negative” thoughts and emotions (or even of “negativity” that’s taking place in the world around us) is because we feel that, by looking at it, we will conjure up that “darkness” in our own lives. The truth is, in fact, the exact opposite: whatever you suppress and /or ignore within yourself will, at some point, be mirrored back at you, and manifest itself in your life, waiting to be confronted and healed.

This New Age approach regarding “reality creation” can also result in black magic, especially when people call in “beings” to help them (spirit guides, ascended masters, aliens, etc.), thus creating a “pact with the devil” (so to speak) and involuntarily making contracts/traps of agreement with negative entities (posing as positive ones) who are more than “happy” to help you with your manifestation-goals, only for you to realize later (or not) that you are being hijacked into a STS (Service to Self) path. This situation arises even more frequently if you are trying to manifest desires which arise from the conditioned ego personality.

“The ability to hold Light is directly proportional to the courage to see darkness. Choosing to see just one creates distortions and illusions. It amazes me that something so simple and common sense can be so difficult to even discuss with ‘spiritual’ people who insist on remaining ‘positive’. Actually, this avoidance is based on unacknowledged fear that their inner light might be somewhat ‘dispersed’ by seeing darkness and therefore not giving the light much credit at all.

I think there’s also fear that they might somehow become ‘tainted’ or the darkness might ‘manifest’ in some form in their lives. But the opposite is true; it is the fear, especially unacknowledged, that has much more chance to manifest than darkness exposed to daylight and investigation. Just like we must be fearless about our own inner shadow, we must also be fearless about seeing this huge shadow of humanity. Or we will have the power to transform precisely nothing, within or without.” ~ Anis Springate

“Spiritual/New Age practitioners who endlessly affirm the light while ignoring the shadow are one more example of yet another style of falling under the spell of wetiko. It’s a beautiful thing to visualize and affirm the light, just not as an unconscious or fearful reaction against the darkness. Many metaphysical ‘light workers’ are actually caricatures of genuine spiritual practitioners, as in their affirmations of the light are unwittingly avoiding conscious relationship with the darkness within themselves.


Thinking that they don’t want to ‘feed the darkness’ by putting their attention on it, in their turning away from and avoiding their own darkness, they are unwittingly reinforcing the very evil from which they are fleeing. Looking away from darkness, thus keeping it unconscious, is what evil depends upon for its existence. If we unconsciously react, as compared to consciously respond, to evil by turning a blind eye toward it – ‘seeing no evil’ – we are investing the darkness with power over us.” ~ Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko

The more that you are in alignment with Divine Will (and have embodied your connection to spirit), the less you will have any need to engage in any form of manifestation techniques because you are “in the flow” of divine creation, and positive synchronicity occurrences – which are in alignment with your individual and unique soul growth potential – will increase exponentially.

This is a state of being where you don’t fight the world, or find yourself at odds with it (because you realize – on an embodied level – that the inner and outer are not separate, and all there is in this life are lessons for your personal soul evolution); you disconnect from any forced, will-full doing, and instead act from a grounded place of being, fully tuned-in to the present moment as you respond consciously to what life brings into your sphere of influence. Instead of making decisions from head-centric analysis, you become a conscious instrument/vessel for spirit/the divine to work through you.

This is also based on a deep ‘knowing’ and trust in both life and yourself, connected to your inner guidance which is grounded in your belly/pelvic floor. However, it’s a long road to reach that level of fully awakened Being-ness, and the path itself is different for each of us; regardless of individual circumstances, this journey is not without obstacles and opposition as we continuously learn (and re-learn) our lessons.

“Only in alignment and integral consonance with the Whole-value of Being may Reality be accurately manifested through the medium of ‘personal expression’ for then there is no discrepancy between ‘personal’ and Universal, the perspectival ‘part’ and the indeterminate Whole.

For, understood in this way it may be seen that unimaginable effectiveness results when the expression of one’s ‘personal’ will is not different than or removed from the Spirit of Divine Will, i.e. the Will to reveal Spirit as the Truth and authentic character of everyone’s illimitable Being.

This means that, in terms of ‘personal will’, only the Spirit of the Teaching Function remains.

There is no will remaining in the repertoire of ‘personal will’ except that which expresses perfect alignment, integration and identity with Divine Will. This is the Destiny of everyone.

Contrary to unwarranted popular opinion, such initiated alignment with the Will of Absolute Spirit-being does not result in ‘working one’s will unopposed’. On the contrary, the very presence of the Awakened Truth in the form of the Spiritual adept has always generated immediate opposition; it has always ‘awakened’ a corresponding reaction from the collective ego’s self-protective slumber.

This fact does not belie the Whole-being efficacy of that ‘will’ which is so aligned with the Totality.

It simply means that such opposition itself, having become part of the manifesting pattern, incorporates as occasion of the Teaching Demonstration as well in whatever form expresses through the ‘confrontation’. Initiated alignment of will with the creative Whole doesn’t guarantee ‘smooth personal circumstances’; on the contrary, look at the story of every adept, examine the events surrounding the Masters known to history.

Rather it ensures that such events will possess the character of an authentic teaching-demonstration, to all who have the Soul to see.

It ensures the Will of the Whole is always done, regardless the partiality and prejudice by which that Whole may be perceived in any given case.” ~ Michael Topper, Why “You” Don’t “Create Your Own Reality”

Everyone who starts on this path towards embodied awakening will be confronted with opposing (hidden) forces which are trying to keep him/her from “staying on course”. These distractions can come through your own consciousness – via self-defeating and dis-empowering thought injections (which we mistake as our own) – thus resulting in mechanical/reactive behavior; or they can come through others, who act as unconscious portals whose words/deeds are designed to steer you off the path.

But these interference episodes and internal/external obstacles are also tests from a higher perspective, put in place to teach you discernment, the value of one’s own will, and to connect you with your warrior spirit. Many people don’t pass through that first threshold of resistance and give up early in the process, or are tempted back into the matrix frequency via false light teachings and other traps and illusions. In relation to the Hero’s journey archetype (Joseph Campbell), this breakdown relates to the “refusal of the call” (as opposed to “answering the call”):

“There is always a spiritual test before being able to attain the next stage of power. Each time you have to make progress, you have to undergo an examination. When Divine manifestations take place, they have also to pass through great difficulties and sufferings as a result of oppositions of dark and anti-divine forces which have had a hold upon earth since the creation. Those dark powers always oppose the new Lights because they do not want to give up their grip on the earth and sometimes their hostility even takes the form of war on earth, but in spite of all obstructions the Divine Will succeeds at last.” ~ Words of “The Mother” – Collected Works of Sri Aurobindo

What Embodiment Truly Means

In order to anchor ourselves to higher frequencies (and align with Divine Will), we need to consciously engage int the process of embodiment. To be embodied doesn’t mean to simply be in “touch” with the physical body. Nor does physical exercise, working out, running, doing yoga, etc. automatically result in being “embodied”. If that would be the case, any athlete would be embodied. This is true within the physical sense of these techniques as well: being flexible doesn’t mean that one is a better “yogi” – or more “spiritual” – than others, for there is far more to yoga than the positional practice.

You can be in touch with your physical body – and indeed, have “mastery” over it – without being embodied. In fact, many people engage in a lot of physical exercise to get “in shape” (often times due to a socially-conditioned body-image program, which oftentimes results in emotional insecurities), but are not embodied in the true meaning of the word.

Some people also tend to use physical work-outs and exercise as a means to disassociate and build armor (muscles) in order to avoid “feeling” the world around them, like a “buffer”. It can also become an addiction, getting hooked on both the endorphins that are released during exercise and the compliments of others. However, it’s not a black and white issue. Exercise is a good thing, if done consciously and holistically, beyond identification with the body. But the key point is to become sensitive and aware, and listen to/experience the world THROUGH the body.

The root word of embodiment stems from ‘embody’ (v.): in reference to a soul or spirit invested with a physical form; em – ‘in’ + ‘body’ (n.); ‘ment’: suffix forming nouns.

• Synonyms for Embodiment are: incarnation, avatar, manifestation.
Avatar: a manifestation of a released soul in bodily form on earth. From Sanskrit Avatāra ‘descent,’ from ava ‘down’ + tar ‘to cross.’

Incarnation: a person who embodies spirit in the flesh.

Embodiment (from a spiritual/esoteric perspective) is the process of soul integration, connecting to one’s “higher self” and becoming a conscious vessel for spirit to work through; it relates to the alchemical marriage of the inner male and female.

Based on various esoteric teachings, the soul is something human beings need to develop or grow from a consciousness seed (see Gurdjieff, Castaneda), and to embody it via spiritual/esoteric work. In the average person in today’s post-modern maze, the soul remains in an embryonic state and is thus not fully individualized.

Until the soul has matured, one’s identity lies in the mechanical false personality and is open to manipulation on all levels. An embodied soul, on the other hand, becomes the seat of the real self’s creativity and dynamism, and the personality blossoms as an expression of one’s higher (immortal) identity, connected to spirit and the Divine within.

“Embodiment (the lived body) is a lived center of experience, and both its movement capabilities and its distinctive register of sensations play a key role in his account of how we encounter other embodied agents in the shared space of a coherent and ever-explorable world.” ~ Edmund Husserl

“In order for something to be embodied it must be perceived by the body, or related to something that the consciousness has understood through bodily experience” ~ John G. Martin.

Embodiment – reconnecting with one’s wholeness, fusing the separate aspects of the inner male and female energetic expressions – is, in my experience, the process of what is commonly called “ascension” or “awakening”. It is the “philosopher’s stone”, the “holy grail”, the story of “the hero going into the underworld, saving/marrying the princess/bride” (his own feminine aspect of Being) as depicted in many mythological traditions.

It connects us with the wholeness of nature/the world, our inner guidance system and personal divinity, as well as our own individual purpose for being here, something the reasoning head/logical mind can never ever grasp. It re-connects us to our original blueprint prior to genetic manipulation, activating our dormant/decommissioned DNA.

It’s time to demystify this process and approach it in a practical and grounded way. We can read, study, and talk about it all from an intellectual perspective, but we can never “get it” until we get out of our heads and get into our bodies in a conscious way.

We will never have any significant “positive” effect on the world as long as we approach the “problems” in the world from a disembodied fragmented place – a place which most of us are not even aware of, because the head-body split has become so normalized within ourselves (and the society we live in); it is an unnatural divorce which is even more re-enforced in this era due to the rise of technology with all its attendant distractions.

In our disembodied society, most people live in their heads, and thus find themselves disconnected from nature, their bodies, and their own wholeness; fragmented inside, they also approach the world (and their personal lives) in a fragmented analytical head-centric way, trying to “fix” the world, essentially projecting their own compartmentalization onto the world, which is a mirror of their own head-body split.

Hence, most solutions to current issues – be it in the world or in our personal lives – perpetuate this disconnection, as we fight “shadows on the wall” and even create more problems with our head-isolated ideas (despite our well-meaning intentions).

This also ties into the compulsory need to “do” and “act”. Whether it occurs in our daily lives – usually expressed through the need to identify with a political party/movement, the need to vote for someone who has the “answers” and can “fix the system” (which ties into the need for “authority”, which is a mirror of our own “supervisor/authority” in the head, telling us what we should/shouldn’t do) – or in the lives of “activists” who feel the need to “fight the tyrants” or promote new “social orders”, it’s all a reflection of a closed-loop, self-defeating hamster wheel that only works in favor of the hyper dimensional overlords’ agenda, manipulating and playing us like pawns on a chess board.

Disconnected from our body and the feminine aspect of Being (and by extension, our own intuitive guidance system), we are being tricked into looking outside of ourselves for direction, thus becoming followers rather than embodied sovereign individuals.

As long as we are not embodied – as long as we remain disconnected from Being, our own wholeness, and our divine nature – our “solutions” and “doing” will always arise from the internal tyrant (which we project outwardly). This tyrant is the rampant male consciousness that is disconnected from the female within us all, REGARDLESS OF GENDER (needs to be emphasized). It needs to have fixed answers, needs to control, tries to predict the future (caught in linear time and 3D thinking), and cannot surrender to (or even perceive) the mystery, wholeness and perplexity of life and reality as it unfolds.

This is not a denunciation of “seeking answers”, nor is it a call to embrace ignorance or just resort to becoming a “passive couch potato” (that would be ‘black or white’ fallacious thinking, another product of the head-centric tyrant within); nor is it about denouncing the intellect, but rather it’s about understanding its limitations, using it as a “tool” but not making it the “master”.

This is about the sacred alchemical marriage of the male and female within, grounded in Being; a place from which both “answers” and “actions” arise that are not a product of pure analytical thought, but are in fact aligned with “Divine Will” and our INDIVIDUAL role and purpose. In this sacred marriage, doing and being become one, as there is no separation.

Read the fourth part of the article


June 19, 2019


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