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Spiritualitate universală

The sacred geometry of crop circles

    “Know, oh, brother..., that the study of sensible geometry leads to skill in all practical arts, while the study of intelligible geometry leads to skill in the intellectual arts because this science is one of the gates through which we move to the knowledge of the essence of the soul, and that…
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The Mind-Blowing Sand Sculptures of Toshihiko Hosaka

    Looking at Toshihiko Hosaka’s incredibly detailed sculptures, it’s hard to believe that they are made from grainy beach sand, and not some sort of clay. But he only uses sand, his talent and 20-years of experience. 43-year-old Hosaka has been making sand sculptures ever since he was in school, and…
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Potrivit sondajelor trăim într-o lume din ce în ce mai atee. Vă oferim argumentul matematic al existenței lui Dumnezeu

    Întrebarea dacă există sau nu un Dumnezeu, un Creator a tot ceea ce ne înconjoară este sau a fost, măcar pentru o singură dată în viață, pe buzele fiecăruia dintre noi. Potrivit unui sondaj realizat peste ocean, procentul americanilor care nu sunt adepții unei religii ajungea la finele…
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The Dynamics of Longing, Resistance and Love

 Rumi says: “Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” This article is about how one can come to understand these words. Every now and then some of us drop into a deep dark pit hole of complete aloneness – a portal into…
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