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Spiritualitate universală

You Are Not Your Mask

  The symbolic power of the mask is a motif that has been present throughout human history. It is found in many cultures, and it has fulfilled many different cultural functions such as in dramatic reenactment, and deeply spiritual ceremony and ritual. The common underlying psycho-cognitive expression that is at work is identity.…
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Chico Xavier, cel mai mare medium al secolului trecut, a indicat ziua de 20 iulie 2019 ca punct de răscruce pentru umanitate

  Chico Xavier este cel mai mare medium al secolului XX şi s-ar putea adăuga că este un om sfânt... A fost mereu umil, nu s-a căsătorit niciodată și nici nu a avut relaţii amoroase, și-a petrecut aproape tot timpul rugându-se la Dumnezeu. El a trăit modest, în ciuda faptului că a vândut mai mult de 50 de…
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The Perilous Path Towards Awakening (9)

  by Bernhard Guenther Read the eight part of the article Coming out of hiding – and being sincere with oneself – can be particularly challenging for people who predominantly live in their heads (caught in the male aspect of consciousness). This personality possesses a strong intellect that has the…
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The Perilous Path Towards Awakening (8)

by Bernhard Guenther Read the seventh part of the article   Sincerity and Radical Self-Honesty (continuation) I have found over the years of working with people, even people who have had very deep and profound awakenings, that most people have a fear of being truthful,…
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