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11 Plants That Purify the Air According to NASA

  According to the Environmental Protection Agency, our homes have four times more pollutants than the outdoors. Benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde, and xylene are common substances in our homes coming mostly from our furniture, paintings, and air fresheners, which are harmful to our lungs. National…

‘Tickle’ Therapy Could Help Slow Ageing

  ‘Tickling’ the ear with a small electrical current appears to rebalance the autonomic nervous system for over-55s, potentially slowing down one of the effects of ageing, according to new research. Scientists found that a short daily therapy delivered for two weeks led to both physiological and…

11 Ways to get rid of heartburn naturally

  Have you ever had a heartburn? It gives you a burning sensation that causes discomfort behind the right breastbone. It’s caused by acid reflux triggered by the inappropriate relaxation of muscles that allow the entrance of food in the stomach. The acid goes from the stomach to the esophagus giving you a heartburn.…

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