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Why Don’t The Amish Get Cancer?

A recent study published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control has revealed that Amish people have virtually no cancer within their population, and are considered the healthiest people in America. Researchers from Ohio State University originally launched a study on the Amish…

How to prepare the best homemade apple cider vinegar

  In this article we will deal with a particular product: homemade apple cider vinegar. A product that for some time has become very popular all over the world for its undeniable flavor and has been the most used for the manufacture of slimming drinks, recipes and even natural remedies. On the market we can find a…

Benefits of sacred sage: from smudging to drinking

  Cannabis has taken the healing herb spotlight in the Western world for many years. It is recorded that recreational use of marijuana was first introduced to American culture after the Mexican Revolution in 1910. From there it has remained an herb of controversy. In recent years, studies have proven marijuana to be…

Scientists against Vaccines

  You may have heard Cobra recently mention that directed energy weapons have been used to attack many light workers, including doctors. The doctors they attack, some very young, who suddenly get heart attacks, have either been advocates of alternative healing methods for cancer etc. or worked openly in their…

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