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Simple strategies that will improve your immunity (II)

“The Immunity Fix: Strengthen Your Immune System, Fight Off Infections, Reverse Chronic Disease and Live a Healthier Life”, a new book written by James DiNicolantonio, Pharm.D., review how to improve and regulate immunity – a topic that should be high on anybody’s list these times. Read the first part of the article Below continues…

Simple strategies that will improve your immunity (I)

Story at-a-glance - Many who end up with severe Covid-19 have reduced adaptive immune function. As a result, they don't clear the virus quickly and end up having to rely on a more proinflammatory killing of the virus inside their cells instead, which damages healthy cells as well. - Reduced T cell function appears to be a primary cause…

This spice might extend your life

Chili peppers are a type of fruit in the nightshade family that’s associated with longer life by reducing the risk of all-cause mortality and heart- and cancer-related deaths. Scientists attribute the health benefits to capsaicin, the bioactive compound that triggers the sensation of heat in your mouth or on your skin; capsaicin is found…

What occurs to your body when you think?

A thought can be the spark that ignites your motivation and positive emotions. The aspects you create in your conscience have the power to transform your reality. What occurs to your body when you think? People often forget about the effect their thoughts have on their physical body. Thoughts have the potential to activate the engine…

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