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The Different Benefits Of Laughter

  Any person who has giggled at a private joke with friends will understand the benefits of laughter. It can reduce stress, release endorphins, improve a person’s overall mood, and even act as a coping mechanism for daily functioning – all of this by merely laughing. Mental Benefits Of Laughter…

It’s not just thimerosal that makes vaccines poisonous: yeast and other compounds cause serious health problems, too

  Thimerosal is one of the most notorious vaccine ingredients, but it isn’t the only one that consumers need to be concerned about. Vaccines contain a lot of potentially harmful compounds; adjuvants, preservatives and other toxic chemicals are routinely added to inoculation cocktails, even though little is known about what…

The science behind essential oils & digestive health

  Optimizing digestive health is often associated with eating properly. And while that’s certainly a good place to start, there are other important parts of maintaining a healthy gut. The gastrointestinal system, also referred to as the gastrointestinal tract, digestive system, digestive tract, or gut, is made…

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