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Too much sugar can lead to nutritional deficiencies – excess glucose reduces your body’s absorption of key minerals

  We all know that sugar is bad for you, but what really happens if you eat too much of it? Your first answer might be that you could develop type 2 diabetes, which is reason enough to avoid sugar like the plague. There’s also the higher risk of obesity that regular sugar consumption causes. However, even if you do manage…

Hydrogen to Save Our Lives and Our World (1)

  by Dr. Mark Sircus Hydrogen will save the world offering polution free energy and it can save our life if we are near deaths door. Everything loves and needs hydrogen, even the deepest darkness of space is full of it. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, so there’s no possibility of it running out.…

The mysterious world of sound healing

  By Katherine Martinko Sound healing is based on the idea that pure, deconstructed sound can rebalance the body's energy. Music is known to be a universal language, but it does more than communicate across cultural lines. It speaks to our hearts and souls, helping us to feel comforted, relaxed, motivated, and…

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