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Yoga Tradition

10. The ten errors

1. Weakness of faith combined with strength of intellect are apt to lead to the error of talkativeness. 2. Strength of faith combined with weakness of intellect are apt to lead to the error of narrow- minded dogmatism. 3. Great zeal without adequate religious instruction is apt to lead to the error of going to erroneous extremes . 4.…

9. The ten incentives

1. By reflecting upon the difficulty of obtaining an endowed and free human body, mayest thou be incited to adopt the religious career. 2. By reflecting upon death and the impermanence of life, mayest thou be incited to live piously. 3. By reflecting upon the irrevocable nature of the results which inevitably arise from actions,…

8. The ten things to be persevered in

1. Novices should persevere in listening to, and meditating upon, religious teachings. 2. Having had spiritual experience, persevere in meditation and mental concentration. 3. Persevere in solitude until the mind hath been yogically disciplined. 4. Should thought- processes be difficult to control, persevere in thine efforts to…

7. The ten things to be practised

1. One should acquire practical knowledge of the Path by treading it, and not be as are the multitude . 2. By quiting one’s own country and dwelling in foreign lands one should acquire practical knowledge of non- attachment. (1) 3. Having chosen a religious preceptor, separate thyself from egotism and follow his teachings implicitly.…

5. The ten things not to be avoided

1. Ideas, being the radiance of the mind, are not to be avoided. 2. Thought- forms, being the revelry of Reality, are not to be avoided. 3. Obscuring passions, being the means of reminding one of Divine Wisdom , are not to be avoided . 4. Affluence, being the manure and water for spiritual growth, is not to be avoided. 5. Illness and…

6. The ten things one must know

1. One must know that all visible phenomena, being illusory, are unreal. 2. One must know that the mind, being without independent existence , is impermanent. 3. One must know that ideas arise from a concatenation of causes. 4. One must know that the body and speech, being compounded of the four elements, are transitory. 5. One must…

4. The ten things to be avoided

1. Avoid a guru whose heart is set on acquiring wordly fame and possessions. 2. Avoid friends and followers who are detrimental to thy peace of mind and spiritual growth. 3. Avoid hermitages and places of abode where there happen to be many persons who annoy and distract thee. 4. Avoid gaining thy livelihood by means of deceit and…

3. The Ten Things To Be Done

1. Attach thyself to a religious preceptor endowed with spiritual power and complete knowledge. 2. Seek a delightful solitude endowed with psychic influences as a hermitage. 3. Seek friends who have beliefs and habits like thine own and in whom thou canst place thy trust. 4. Keeping in mind the evils of gluttony, use just enough…

2. The ten requirements come next

1. Having estimated one’ s own capabilities, one requireth a sure line of action.2. To carry out the commands of a religious preceptor, one requireth confidence and diligence. 3. To avoid error in choosing a guru, the disciple requireth  knowledge of his own faults and virtues. 4. Keenness of intellect and…

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