Essential Occult Aspects about Critical, Accusatory, Superficial and Malevolent Judgment (2)

by yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru

Read here the first part of this article.

In the case of the human being whom awakens and then amplifies the demonic state of mind, which KRISHNA speaks about in the famous treatise BHAGAVAD GITA, the censorious, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments imperceptibly become a habit. The human beings who indulge themselves in this state of mind are not aware that, at the same time, through and by means of the censorious, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, in their being appears a dreadful state of spiritual blindness. Beyond appearances, every censorious, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment is, at the same time, an inducement that leads us into temptation and it instantaneously unleashes in our inner universe certain processes of occult resonance with one of the infernal realms. All these take place immediately, even when we do not realize it, because the implicit accusation and the malice which are included as some SUI GENERIS ingredients in the censorious, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment generate instantaneously certain phenomena of occult resonance with the infernal realms, to which, this way, it is opened “the door” of the MICROCOSM of our being. All these are possible because, as we know, the entire manifestation or, in other words, both the MACROCOSM and the MICROCOSM of every human being are, in reality, holographic structures and because of this ordering, the part is in the whole and the whole is in the part. 

Therefore, as a consequence of the fact that in the MACROCOSM (more specifically in the Astral Universe) there are, undoubtedly, paradisiacal realms, in the MICROCOSM of our being implicitly exist, without any doubt, mysterious focal points of correspondence, which make possible for us to resonate with the respective paradises, when our thoughts, intentions, actions and manifestations are paradisiacal. At the opposite pole, when our thoughts, intentions, actions and manifestations are infernal, this implies the fact that, immediately after that, we awaken and energize in the MICROCOSM of our being instantaneous processes of occult resonance with the infernal realms.

Understanding all this, we must not be surprised that, when we discharge censorious, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, especially by means of the accusations and implicit malice that we manifest in that moment, we unleash, at the same time, in the MICROCOSM of our being malevolent, satanic processes of occult resonance and, this way, even if we do not realize it, we “open” the gates of our being towards communications with those infernal realms. It is good to remember that, not accidentally, the wise ones said that:“when you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you”. Extrapolating, we can say that, when we look into paradise, paradise looks into us. JESUS CHRIST once revealed this fundamental mystery, when he said: “The Kingdom of Heaven lies within you.”

Due to this holographic ordering of the entire manifestation, including the MICROCOSM of our being, we can easily realize that if in the MICROCOSM of our being are projected in a mysterious way the paradises and even the Kingdom of the Heavenly FATHER (at the level of certain focal points which, in certain conditions, may be awakened if they are dormant), at the same time, in the MICROCOSM of our being are also present other mysterious focal points which, when awakened and energized, unleash processes of occult resonance with the infernal realms. Precisely because of this, taking into consideration this mysterious reality, we have to watch and not let ourselves be tempted to discharge censorious, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, because, in this way, we open, at the same time, a “door” in our inner universe, thus entering into occult resonance with the infernal realms. We could say that this risk is inevitable, once we manifest critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. When the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments become a bizarre habit, we could say that, in this way, those processes of occult resonance with the infernal realms become constant in our inner universe.

In fact, by means of the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, Satan manifests himself.
In the case of the critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments, we must never forget that the Bible speaks about the fact that the first Christians had to defend themselves many times against some false, unfounded accusations, behind which, each time, stood undoubtedly Satan himself. Precisely because of this, Satan is not by chance surnamed in the Bible the indicter. Satan is and remains the indicter par excellence, who accuses, day and night, especially the righteous and the chosen ones, by means of the ignorant human beings who use to discharge critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments.

Even when we do not realize this, once we discharge a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment, we become a SUI GENERIS channel in and through which Satan manifests unsuspected in this world, projecting his bizarre influences and his subtle, poisonous, malevolent energies. Studying carefully certain biblical texts, especially the Book of Job, we discover that it confirms the fact that Satan was, is and will be the accuser who manifests himself (in an insidious way) with hatred, enmity and evilness through every human being who surrenders to the temptation of discharging critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments.

In the light of these esoteric revelations, which will be understood especially by those who are ready and capable to understand them (properly), we may realize why JESUS considered necessary to pre-admonish us and, at the same time, to draw our attention in a firm way through words full of wisdom, when he said: “Do not judge (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way) and you will not be judged (in a critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent way)!” Studying carefully the Old Testament and especially the Book of Job, we will discover how Satan manifested himself as Job’s accuser and this way we will be able to intuit and then understand how the occult satanic influence manifests itself through us, in an insidious and cunning way, when we let ourselves tempted to discharge critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. Studying attentively and lucidly the Book of Job, we discover that, in fact, all the activities and impulses of Satan were assuredly hostile to Job.

Other significant examples from the Old and New Testament

Studying carefully other texts that exist in the Old Testament, we discover that Satan was and is constantly involved in various malevolent activities, which are obviously hostile to human beings. For instance, in the Bible it is mentioned the fact that, at a certain moment, Satan tempted David to do a census of his people. The Old Testament also shows that Satan was present (in an invisible way) somewhere on the right side of JOSHUA, who, as it is mentioned, was the high priest himself, “accusing him unjustly”. All these made GOD admonish Satan for what he was doing. This way is also made an indirect reference to an obvious critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgment made by Satan against the high priest, JOSHUA.

In his famous psalms, David rightfully considers that it is a big calamity for a human being when Satan (or, in other words, the devilish spirits) is mysteriously, invisibly present on the right side of a human being, thus influencing it to discharge critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. In the respective text it is suggested that, when Satan is invisibly present on the right side of somebody, he always influences in evil the respective human being and, especially at the beginning, he encourages them to discharge critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. Acting this way, Satan (or the satanic spirits) make humans become some SUI GENERIS channels through which he manifests into this world and thus he tempts them to discharge ill judgments, to accuse in a superficial and unjust way, he impels them to do evil and, at the same time, he manifests his malevolent, perverted and dizzying energy through such poor human beings who are unaware at the beginning. Precisely because of this, John the Apostle says about Satan that: “he ceaselessly sins from the beginning”.

For an intuitive and intelligent human being, the references about Satan that exist in the Old Testament offer enough proof for all these. In the New Testament, JESUS himself reveals to us that Satan is “the prince and the master of this world” (the physical, material world). (Ephesians II; 2) In the Bible, Satan is always presented as being GOD’s enemy, who acts when certain conditions, which allow him to act, are brought together, with the purpose of foiling GOD’s plans. Not accidentally, in the New Testament it is specified, at a certain moment, that Satan let JESUS CHRIST to do his divine work “until a certain time”; this helps us through intuition to understand that his fight with JESUS was later resumed. This aspect results clearly form JESUS’ affirmation, which at a certain moment said: “I was tempted in all points as you are.” (Hebrews IV, 15)

There is a permanent conflict between good and evil forces

The conflict between Satan and JESUS was not accidental. As we all know, one of the fundamental aims or, in other words, one of the causes of JESUS’ arrival into this world was: “To destroy and abolish the devil’s work.” (1 John 3:8). Everywhere in the New Testament may be noticed the huge conflict that existed – and still exists nowadays – between GOD’s beneficial entities, such as angels and archangels, on the one hand and evil entities, the devils lead by Satan and the demons lead by Lucifer, on the other hand.

Apostle Peter underlines in a suggestive way the ferocity of this conflict, saying that: “Your (humans’) enemy, the accuser, the evil and cunning devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour”. (1 Peter 5:8) In his turn, Apostle Paul refers to the continual artfulness used by the evil one against people: “Sometimes Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians, 11:14). Therefore, we must not be surprised that some of his hidden instruments “pretend to act as servants of purity”. Precisely because of this, the first Christians were advised to implore GOD the FATHER to protect and strengthen them in front of Satan’s temptations, “in order to stand easily against devil’s deceitful and cunning schemes.” (Ephesians 6:11). In the New Testament there are also made some references to “devil’s traps”. (1 Timothy 3:7) 

All these fragments from the Bible underline the fact that all the human beings, including the Christians (even the angels, archangels, as well as Judas) were and are involved in a conflict that is continual and, at the same time, full of the unforeseen. It is important to keep in mind that humans can never draw back from this conflict, which continues ceaselessly. Nevertheless, it is essential to realize that it is not right to believe, not even for a single moment, that the devil’s or Satan’s evilness is inevitable for human beings. In such situations is always needed a divine energy that makes invulnerable the human being who is attacked by devils. At the same time, there is a need to exercise the spiritual discernment, as well as firmness, total faith in GOD, lack of demonic doubts and courage.

Essential methods of triumphing in the conflict with evil forces
It is very important to keep in mind that all human beings who oppose firmly to Satan or the devils and who implore full of humility and faith the help of GOD the FATHER, always win. Apostle Paul advises and, at the same time, implores the Christians to always stand lucidly, firmly and courageously against devils’ temptations and tricks, remaining continuously “firm in faith” (1 Peter 5:9). In his turn, James says: “Stand always against the devil, with the help that comes from GOD, when you ask for it with humility and faith and you will see that he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

In the light of the law of occult resonance, it is obvious that here we undoubtedly speak about initiating and maintaining some processes of occult resonance with the protective energy of the divine Grace, which offers to the respective human being a conspicuous state of invulnerability. In such situations, of a true help for us will be the blessings and self-blessings, together with the immediate manifestation in our inner universe of the Effect of Lightning Rod of the mysterious energy of the divine Will, which is almighty.

In his turn, Apostle Paul offers us a certain advice, which is full of wisdom “never give the devil an opportunity.” (Ephesians 4:27). In the light of these revelations, we can easily realize that such an opportunity we may give every time to the devil (without being aware) is when we discharge critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. This phenomenon produces even when we accuse ourselves, because of the ignorance we indulge in, such critical, accusatory, superficial and malevolent judgments. In this direction, Apostle Paul says: “Put all your faith in GOD ceaselessly. If your faith in Him is unshakable and you bear no doubt, GOD will never let you be tempted beyond your ability, as with the temptation, He will also provide for each of you the way of escape, so that that you may be able to endure it and not fall.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) 

Analyzing this affirmation, we may realize that the Apostle Paul was very conscious of Satan’s countless malevolent resources and artfulness as well as the fact that Satan always tries to “take advantage of us”. Apostle Paul also adds: “Hear my advice and follow it, as we are not unaware of Satan’s cunning plans.”

The terrible example of JESUS’ confrontation with Satan
Satan permanently manifested against JESUS’ actions in different ways even during His activity. Studying carefully some texts of the New Testament, we learn that that sometimes Satan acted even through JESUS disciples, who became some SUI GENERIS channels through which he manifested his shrewdness and wickedness. Such a moment was when Peter the Apostle rejected the idea that JESUS had accepted crucifixion. Soon after that, JESUS spoke to Peter, telling him: “Get behind me, Satan!” (Mathew XVI, 23). Satan also acted in certain malevolent ways through JESUS enemies and it is not a coincidence that JESUS was fully aware that the satanic spirits and even Satan manifested sometimes through their beings and bodies.

That is why, at a certain point, JESUS told those who opposed him: “You have the devil (Satan) as your father and tempter.” (John, VIII, 44). All these reached their climax during JESUS last days. Judas’s undignified action is described as belonging to the evil one (Satan). The New Testament even mentions that Satan “has entered” Judas (Luke XXII, 3). It is hereby suggested that under certain circumstances (when favorable conditions are combined), the devil uses the human being as a SUI GENERIS “channel” in and through which he shrewdly manifests and in this way, the infernal, malevolent energies are spread in this world. John the Apostle says: “The devil (Satan) placed in the heart of Judas the Iscariot, the son of Simon, the thought of selling JESUS”. (John XIII, 3).

Looking at the cross JESUS once said: “Here comes the ruler of this world (Satan).” (John XIV, 30) By these words, from a certain point of view, JESUS admits that Satan manifests a bizarre domination in this world that exists on planet Earth. In the light of these revelations, we now realize that Satan is always tempting people, even at this very moment. A cryptic method of tempting them is the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. The immense majority of people do not even suspect that they open their own being again and again through such judgments and in this way they become the channels through which Satan and the satanic spirits manifest in this world.

When the devil wants to destroy someone, he takes away his mind

A certain aphorism of wisdom says that: “When the devil wants to destroy someone, first he takes away his mind”. In the light of the revelations that we presented regarding the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments, we can easily understand how the thought of the human being is evilly influenced and perverted day by day through such judgments which are emitted without being aware of their fatal consequences. In this way we can understand how the devils take our minds when we use it to emit such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments, whether we do it often or only from time to time. The understanding of these mechanisms grants us the opportunity to be permanently aware from now on and not be tempted to emit such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. 

Nowadays many people who claim to be good Christians manifest critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments every day, without realizing that in this way they become some SUI GENERIS channels through which Satan and the satanic spirits manifest in this world. We also read in the Bible about the malevolent influence (of Satan) that manifested through a so-called believer, named Ananias: “How come you don’t realize why Satan has filled your heart with such (evil) tendencies?”
Regarding the malevolent actions and influences of Satan and the satanic spirits, John the Apostle says: “The one who sins does not know that these tendencies also come from the devil.” The Bible says that people alienate from GOD when certain (favorable) conditions combine, they fall into evil and they give themselves to Satan shortly after. Thus they become the “tools” or “channels” through which Satan manifests in this world (in the ambience of this planet). John the Apostle tells us: “Such lost human beings (that can be recognized from their strange tendencies to lead others astray) become his children.” ( John III, 10).

There is a significant revelation in the Apocalypse about the sinister “synagogue of Satan” (Apocalypse II, 9; III, 9) and about the satanic spirits that dwell there, where the “reigning chair of Satan” is (Apocalypse II, 13). Satan hinders the actions of GOD in different ways (more or less) through his plots full of hatred, shrewdness and wickedness, through the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments and also through the demonic or satanic doubts. Satan either “steals”, or sterilizes the good, divine seed, which was planted into people’s hearts at a certain moment.

Satan’s power is restricted

Satan seeds evil, doubt and critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments in “HIS EVIL SONS” unceasingly. Thus, he turns this world into ashes, an infernal moor and trash. Under certain circumstances, His influences and his activities might produce effects even on the physical level of the human body. In the Bible, Satan is always presented as being a cunning liar, full of malevolent inventiveness, having all kinds of resources that he uses against the human beings and also being permanently active in a malevolent, evil way. The human beings who under certain circumstances become evil geniuses are and remain under Satan’s almost permanent influence. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know that Satan has many restrictions and in fact he cannot do everything he wants.

In the famous parable of the seeder, JESUS indirectly speaks about the malevolent contribution of the devils to the sterilization or to the stopping of growth of the good seeds, which are planted in certain moments in the universe of a human being. We advise you to read carefully this parable, in order to understand these aspects as well as possible, and to be able to infer how such malevolent actions are done through these diabolic spirits and Satan, almost ceaselessly. The defeat of Satan and the satanic spirits is evident when the human being begs and asks; full of humbleness and faith, for the help of GOD the FATHER. Sometimes Satan manifests his malevolent influences in a skilful and insidious way. Satan takes over a human being in an artful way, according to some favorable conditions, which the ignorant human being allows to manifest in his/her inner universe. In this way, Satan and his evil influences easily penetrate the human being and make it become a SUI GENERIS channel through which the evil manifests in this world.

We should remember that Satan’s strange, malevolent power is still limited and this power and perverting influence manifest in connection to the subtle, malevolent energies that exist in the infernal realms, due to the evil that the diabolic spirits, demons and Satan himself manifest. Such satanic energies appear because of the abduction, corruption and the desecration of some beneficial subtle energies, which, either through the fall (into evil) of some human beings, either through their involution or the bad actions of the satanic or daemonic entities, they generate the shift of some beneficial energies into a perverting state, which causes the decrease of their frequency of vibration. Thus, the result is some subtle inferior, bewildering, abject, degrading energy, which we call the bizarre subtle energies of evil.

Satan knows that he has already been defeated!

Both Satan and Lucifer can exercise bizarre, malevolent, illusive and shrewd power only under precise limits, which were and still are established by GOD the FATHER, through the temptations and the tests to which people are subject to (all these being possible only under certain favorable circumstances which appear at a certain point in their inner universe).
Thus, both Lucifer and Satan together with the satanic spirits act like some SUI GENERIS disturbing, destroying factors, which either causes the fall into the abyss (infernal realms) or the overtaking of the temptations and the spiritual tests. Thus, they are and remain some SUI GENERIS “tools” through which the human beings are tested, examined. The human beings that are prepared enough pass these tests successfully and they do not fall into temptation. After they successfully overtake these temptations or spiritual tests, the human beings make progress. The human beings make triple spiritual progresses after they successfully overtake at some point such tests or temptations generated by the devils or the evil spirits.
We ought to remember that both the diabolic entities and Satan dwell in the infernal realms that have a low frequency of vibration and which exist in the Astral World. JESUS says in the New Testament that the eternal fire of hell was created so that the Devil and his angels should dwell there. Considering the confessions and the revelations from the New Testament, we discover that Satan is a malign, ephemeral and always hostile presence both to GOD, as well as and to the people that love GOD and who are with GOD. In the Bible they are called the right ones, the good hearted ones, the wise. They easily recognize the shrewdness, the lies and abject plots of Satan.
We ought to also remember that Satan already knows that he has been defeated, but in his full of hatred despair, stubbornness and grimness he continues to do many evil acts in this world (on the earth) and in the infernal realms of the world beyond. One of the manifestations through which Satan and the infernal realms are clearly present in this world is a certain kind of abyssal, irrational fear in and through which the satanic energy of the diabolic spirits manifest. In the light of these revelations, it is good that we all look at the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments in their true light.

Stop from judging the others in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way right now!


The HERE and NOW revelation of these mysteries is not at all accidental. The terrible mystery of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments can be understood in a completely different light, especially when it is analyzed from the perspective of the Law of occult Resonance. We hope that all these revelations will help you understand that you have to stop immediately from sending out (deliberately) critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. All of you who will continue to do it like before, will thus prove that you have not understood almost anything from these revelations that have been offered to you until now.

Those of you who refuse to consider what is happening when we habitually manifest again and again critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments, will not do anything else but connect and then immerse more and more into the infernal realms of the world beyond. Acting resonance in your inner world, which will change your dominant frequency of vibration. All these influences and subtle malevolent energies will alienate you and, in the same time, they will draw you further and further from GOD the FATHER. 

You need also to always consider the fact that you can slip quite easily and insidiously to gossip, backbiting, scandal and slander through the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. We should also remember that the scandals are very easily started in this world through critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. In the Bible, the scandal is considered a serious cause of stumbling for the human beings. In fact, scandal is a temptation that makes us fail certain spiritual tests or darken our judgment and common sense. In the Bible, the idea of scandal is obviously connected to the idea of temptation and obstacle, which makes some people stumble and then easily fall in Satan’s net.

In the Sufi wisdom tradition there is a suggestive meaningful story regarding the insidious, lasting and fatal effects of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. We hereby offer you this story.

Satan’s cursed mirror

“Once upon a time there was a powerful evil spirit (devil) which was full of deception, stubbornness and hatred. One day when he was wondering how he could do even more evil, he had a genius malevolent idea. Shortly after he put his idea into practice and thus he made a bewitched mirror, whose hidden influence was mostly malevolent. That bewitched mirror of his made all that looked into it to instantly start to manifest critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. When the spell began to manifest through that bewitched mirror, the predominant way of thinking of the one that was looking into that mirror changed immediately. In the same time, because of its malevolent influence, the bewitched mirror reflected all that was good and beautiful around it in a completely different manner. Thus, all that it reflected seemed hateful, ugly, grey, distorted, useless and worthless.

All those who looked in that bewitched mirror immediately started to have only critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. They could almost not see the beauty, harmony and good anywhere in the world – both in themselves and in everything around them. That bewitched mirror reflected the qualities of beauty, harmony and splendor as being ugly, hideous and lacking harmony. At the same time, that mirror made every man that looked in it considers the ugly and disharmonious things to be very worthy. When a human being looked in the bewitched mirror, his/her thoughts and judgments immediately became critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent. Such ugly, miserable judgments invaded the mind immediately. Through that strange spell, the most beautiful images around the mirror appeared just like some piles of garbage. The good, harmonious and beautiful human beings seemed repugnant, disgusting, distorted and stupid in that mirror. Even the beautiful and charming faces of the people were reflected by that mirror in such a strange way that they appeared distorted and immediately after that, all those who looked in that mirror were not able to recognize themselves. Moreover, if there was someone around the mirror who was manifesting something bad and wanted to hide that manifestation, the bewitched mirror immediately revealed that evil thing and emphasized it exaggeratedly. The diabolic spirit was very proud that he could create such a mirror that made the beauty; the sublime and harmony vanish and replaced them with the ugly, distorted and repugnant sides through that spell. 

Moreover, those who looked into that mirror and saw their reflection manifested only critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments immediately after that. All human beings that looked into that mirror started instantaneously to emit critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments about them and could only see disharmony, wickedness and ugliness in themselves. All that was beautiful and charming about their face or body was immediately changed when it was reflected into that mirror and became so distorted, ugly and awful that it could not be recognized anymore.

Seeing how much evil that mirror could generate in the human beings that looked into it, Satan congratulated that diabolic spirit for his achievement and decided that the infernal, bewitched mirror should be taken up into the sky, thinking that he could tempt the angels to look in that mirror. Satan thought that if the angels were tempted to look in that mirror, they would immediately start to manifest critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. Thus, the angels would discover (through that bewitched mirror) that they were ugly, useless and stupid themselves. Before taking that bewitched mirror into the sky, Satan told the diabolic spirits with a sardonic laughter that maybe even GOD would be tempted to look in that mirror and thus He would discover Himself ugly, disharmonious, chaotic, fake and useless. Satan thought that GOD would start to manifest only critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments for all that He had created if He was tempted to look in that mirror only once. Then, more diabolic spirits took the bewitched mirror on their shoulders and flew with it in the sky. When they reached the border of the skies, an incredibly great and invisible force suddenly manifested and stopped them before they could pass the border of the skies. A terrible fear appeared suddenly within them and they let the horrible bewitched mirror fall. The infernal bewitched mirror fell from a very great height and it broke into billions of extremely small pieces.

Then, the worst happened for this planet. One of the greatest misfortunes appeared for lots of people. Every small fragment of the previous mirror was smaller than a speck of sand, thus all those billions of pieces flew in all directions and spread almost everywhere on the earth. The wind blew those small pieces in all directions. If a human being happened to get such a piece into his eye and this piece remained there (in his eye), that piece would go into his body and that human being would be affected in a certain way immediately afterwards. Such a human being could only see misery, disharmony, uselessly, wickedness and ugliness inside and out.

Moreover, such a human being started to ceaselessly emit critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. All that was good seemed bad and worthless and all that was beautiful seemed ugly, disharmonious and repugnant for such a human being. Every piece, even the smallest one, had the same malevolent power that existed in the original bewitched mirror.  

Another frightening effect was generated when such small pieces penetrated the body of some human beings and affixed to the heart. The heart of those poor human beings turned immediately into a block of ice. All the affected human beings were not able to manifest or feel the divine energy of love anymore. 

Although that diabolic spirit was greatly defeated, as he could not take the bewitched mirror up to the skies, he looked around himself and discovered all the evil that the small pieces of the broken mirror could do. Seeing all that, that demon cheered sardonically for the huge evil that he did to the people. Moreover, he noticed that that evil persisted and continued to be generated in this world as the small pieces of the cursed mirror have been blown here and there by the wind since then till now. Consequently, even now the small pieces of that cursed mirror keep flying in the air and they are carried by the wind generating much evil to the people in whose eyes they get in a certain moment.” (The end of that story.)
If we carefully analyze the meaning of this story we would discover that, in fact, the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments are like those small pieces of the bewitched mirror. Such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments generate the distorted images that we have about the world around us and ourselves. The critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments that are emitted change and distort the mirroring of the reality within us. Such judgments make us pertain to ourselves having a distorted and even derogatory perspective. Such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments make everything that is normal, true and beautiful look ugly, abnormal and fake. Many human beings are not aware of the fatal effects that such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments generate within themselves. Such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments always generate in the MICROCOSM of the human being baneful phenomena of occult resonance.

(to be continued)

Aphorisms and thoughts about judgment (continuation)

28. Be aware and don’t ever judge the others and yourself in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way as, in this way, you cannot be judged in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way yourself.

29. Sometimes people follow the impertinent, anarchic and demonic ones who start something, as people do not judge things as they are in reality because of their weakness and receptivity.

30. Most of the times and almost with no exception, we judge the others in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way, according to our tendencies, impulses and flaws. That is why miscreants stubbornly think that there are no honest people in this world; as to them all are robbers (with no exception).

31. Most of the times, when we use to judge the others in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way, we offer them as much kindness as we manifest for the time being.

32. The human being that changes imperceptibly because of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments and then becomes wicked hearted tends to stubbornly think that all the others are alike him/her.

33. The human beings who use to emit critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments do not believe that the others are capable of achieving what they cannot achieve.

Read here the third part of this article

June 2010

Also available in: Română Français

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