Some unexpected hypostases of GOD THE FATHER
The Unique One
Him Whose holiness no one and nothing can surpass
He Who is always first in everything
He by Whose omnipotent will everything is manifested
He Who possesses the supreme super-sensible knowledge
He Who comprehends everything instantaneously without ceasing
The Supremely wise, Whose wisdom none can equal
He Whose greatness is supreme and can never be equaled
The supreme light, present in everything
He Who mysteriously watches over eternally
He Whose vastness encompasses and embraces all
He Who in eternity is all-knowing
Supreme Sovereign
The overwhelming mystery whose end is unfathomable
The supreme and wisest Guide
The glorious One, Whose glory none equals or surpasses
He through Whom everything is kept in manifestation
He Whose dignity is absolute
The immutable One
He in Whom all truth dwells forever
The just and impartial Supreme Judge
He Whose full knowledge makes everything distinguishable
He Who eternally takes account of everything
The supreme witness from Whom nothing escapes
The Absolute Sublime, Who is unequaled and mysterious
He Who is the richest
He Who has experienced everything
He Whose generosity is unsurpassed
The absolute Master of all destinies
The mysterious Lord of all creation
The supreme Creator
He Who bestows grace on those who deserve it
The Absolute Initiator
He Who causes every form to appear and maintain itself
He Who gives existence to every creature
He Who hears the prayers of the humble and faithful
He Who, when He wills, prevents unhappiness or suffering
He Who lifts up the humble ones to Himself
He Who makes the proud ones to fall and regress
The Supreme giver of life
He Who bestows the second Death, which is eternal,
to those who in the end have not attained immortality
He Who makes us expand ecstatically into boundlessness
He Who causes everything to contract in the end.
He Who makes all transformation possible
The One who gives all blessings
He Who gives dignity
He Who is the supreme determiner
The Almighty
The Supreme Protector
He Whose firmness is total
He Who constantly enriches our soul
The One Whose power is endless and unequaled
He who, in the end, imposes His victory against all and everything
He Whose compassion is endless
He Who bestows deep heavenly peace
He Who is pure and endless love
He Who is the eternal heir
He Who knows instantly and ceaselessly all the depths of souls
He Who ceaselessly sees everything
He Who rejoices in the gratitude that is shown to Him, offering His grace each time
He Whose gentleness is unsurpassed
He Who is constant without ceasing
The ultimate truth
He Who forgives wrongs and makes them disappear
He Whose patience is unsurpassed
He Whose calm is eternally perfect
He Who fulfills good desires
He Who shows mercy
He through Whom resurrection comes
The supremely faithful Friend
He Whose benevolence is oceanic
He Who gives us, always, all the energy of love
He Who awakens in us wisdom
He Who forgives our faults
He Whose generosity is perfect and matchless
He Who protects the righteous and keeps them from evil
He Who reigns for ever over all that exists
Final editing of this text was done by eminent yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru
January 23, 2024
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