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The Light Of The Living Shadow

To understand our shadow, we have to understand polarities. Within the polarities is the wholeness or the completeness. The Yin-Yang symbol is a beautiful and profound representation of this wholeness. Archetypes of the Yin-Yang represent: Love/Fear, Masculine/Feminine, Electric/Magnetic, Light/Darkness…

Vaccines increasing infertility and disease

There is now yet another reason to steer clear of the HPV vaccine: A study shows it causes women who are in their late 20s to have trouble becoming pregnant. The study, which was published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, analyzed information of eight…

Citrus Fruits Fight Ulcers, Stomach Cancer

Multiple studies have concluded that eating citrus fruits will help ulcers and reduce the risk of stomach cancer. Citrus fruits are tangy and tasty, yet they also combat ulcers and help prevent stomach cancer. One might think the acidic nature of fresh citrus would exacerbate an ulcer, but the opposite…

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