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20 Ways To Use Honey For Wellness And Survival

  What is not to like? Just the thought of sweet, fragrant honey and honey bees makes everybody think of happy times. That, coupled with its long storage life makes honey a perfect food for the survival pantry. But did you know that honey has a myriad of other uses, including as a therapeutic ointment that promotes…

Are bacteria the secret cause of cancer?

  People with cancer have a bacterial imbalance – and antibiotics can successfully kill tumors. So does all this herald a new way of understanding cancer? What causes cancer? Viruses, radiation, chemicals, genetics and smoking have all been tagged – but even just a few years ago, it was medical heresy to…

5 Ways To Relieve Pain Naturally

  Pain, unfortunately, is just a fact of life. Whether it’s from a misaligned back, sleeping in a weird position, sports injury or a chronic health condition, pain can really get you down. If you’re like the millions of Americans, you could turn to drugs to solve your problem. Pop a couple ibuprofens, sit…

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