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5 Reasons Why You Need 100 Pounds Of Tomatoes

  By Daisy Luther Here’s my recommendation for your end-of-summer food preservation. First, you need 100 pounds of tomatoes (45 kilograms). Yes – 100 pounds, and more if you can get them. No other item of produce increases in nutrients when cooked and stored like tomatoes. Canning them is like loading…

Is Sugar the Enemy?

  We have all heard that sugar is bad for us, but is it?Did you know that the perfect food for a human being is packed with sugars? And the reason it`s perfect is just that, the sugars. You see, the human body relies on it, the sugars. The body will absorb the simple sugars in its natural form as water in the desert.…

The danger of undiagnosed sleep apnea

  Some 22 million Americans suffer from mild to moderate sleep apnea, characterized by loud snoring, snorts and choking sounds that result from breath interruptions while you are sleeping. An estimated 80 percent of moderate to severe sleep apnea cases go undiagnosed, putting you at risk for serious health issues…

Amazing healing powers of aloe vera

  Around 1750 BC Hannibal waged war to control the areas in North Africa where aloe vera flourished. It's no wonder when you understand the powerful medicine contained in this plant. Aloe vera is a succulent plant that belongs to the lily family. There are more than 300…

Eating Organic Cuts Cancer Risk By Up To 25%

  Everyone knows that organic is the healthier choice. Now, new evidence sheds even more light on just how important it is to eat organic food. A groundbreaking study suggests that you can significantly cut down your risk of cancer just by eating organic. While organic food tends to be more expensive, this landmark…

Are you getting enough vitamin K?

  • Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin with significant health influence that many don’t get enough of. Your body stores very little of it, so it’s rapidly depleted without regular dietary intake. Common drugs such as statins and antibiotics can also deplete vitamin K. • Vitamin K1 is derived…

Here’s what happens in the brain when we disagree

  We’ve all been there. You are in the middle of a heated disagreement when you lose respect for the opposing party. Whether it is about the latest election or childcare, you feel like your considered arguments are not appreciated – perhaps even ignored. But did you ever wonder what exactly is happening in…

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