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Stages in the Practice of Yoga

Samadhi – the State of the Supra-Consciousness

Samadhi represents the glorious and final state of every authentic spiritual path. Even if we call it different names – Satori in Zen, Nirvana in Buddhism or the Deification in Christianity – it is in fact, the same supreme condition of the human being.The reality of the Samadhi state must be effectively lived: it is not enough to…

The Mana

Mana is a concept used in the Huna tradition in Hawaii. It is considered that mana has three primary forms; each of them functions in one of the three basic levels of man''s personality. Mana, the basic force of life, operates in the infrastructure of the Inferior Self (unihipili), which is the subconscious mind. Mana has the power to…

Techniques for Mental Concentration

Mental concentration can be described as merely “do not act”. The Zen adepts say it is “to simply stay” (Zazen). During the practice of concentration, the mind should be like a mirror: it will only reflect the object of concentration like a pure crystal, which takes the colour of the object on which it is placed. We will…

The Od

Baron Karl von Reichenbach (1788-1869), a German chemist, metallurgist and meteorites expert used the term od (and the related ideas “odic force” and “odil”) in order to describe a subtle substance which emanates from all things and beings in the universe, including the stars and the planets (more accurately from…

The Techniques of Pranayama

We are permanently exposed to the impact of the unexhaustible energies of the Universe that pour torrents of prana on us. The Sun is the most important source of this prana and the cosmic rays have an immense but still undetermined influence upon man from a scientific point of view. On the other…

The Orgon

The term “orgon” was invented by Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), an Austrian student of psychiatrist Sigmund Freud and a leading expert of psychoanalysis himself in his youth. While he was continuing Freud’s work between 1936-1940, Reich put forward the hypothesis of the existence of the orgon,. He stated it was a vital force…

The Bioenergy

Bioenergy is a concept that appeared and was especially used in Eastern Europe. It is related to the same universal force of life that is supposed to connect all things and beings together. It can also be controlled and directed by the power of will. This bioenergy is used in the disciplines with a therapeutic profile…

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana Meditation (awareness) is a method said to be first taught by Buddha to his disciples. This method involves concentration on breathing. Budhha said: "inhale attentively, exhale attentively". These simple words reveal the essence of practicing this form of meditation. The Yogi watches his breathing with the same total…

Asanas – the order of execution

Asanas - the order of execution (as taught at our yoga school) padahasthasana padangusthasana talasana sahaj agnisara dhauti agnisara dhauti (pranayama) katichakrasana garudasana trikonasana ardha-chandrasana utkatasana uddiyana bandha nauli kriya uttytha ardha dhanurasana jivabalasana shutarmurgasana prasarita padattanasana…

Another type of Vipassana

Be aware of your actions, your body, mind and heart. When you walk you should walk consciously; when you move your arm you should move it consciously, knowing exactly the fact that your arm is in motion. You move unconsciously when doing something mechanical, for example when you have an early morning walk and the leg…

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