Essential Occult Aspects about Critical, Accusatory, Superficial and Malevolent Judgment (3)

by yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru

Read here the first and the second part of this article.

Such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments have been accompanying many of us since childhood. This almost uninterrupted flux of critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments get to be a ‘integral part’ of our being because of the unawareness we indulge ourselves in. Such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments unceasingly distort the way in which the exterior reality reflects within us and they make us discover all that is ugly, disharmonious and repugnant both within us and outside of us. This way of living occurs quite soon in our existence and then absorbs the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments of the human beings around us. All these enslave us in an insidious way, little by little, through the more or less aberrant expectances of the environment in which we grow and we exist.

Nowadays, most of the human beings are contaminated by the “plague” of the critical judgments

When we refer to these critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent voices, we mean the judgments of this kind that criticize us, judge us, or determine us to judge the others in a critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent way. When we look carefully and lucidly around us and within us, we are amazed by the power and the universality of these critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments. The ‘plague’ of the critical, accusing, and superficial, malevolent judgments pervades the entire planet nowadays, although JESUS warned us on all that happen when we emit such judgments.

Nowadays, many human beings are under the influence of this tendency to often emit critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments especially to the others. After they get used, they easily start to emit such judgments even to themselves. We must never forget that such critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments always generate processes of occult, fatal resonance within us that influence our existence afterwards in an insidious way. The subtle phenomena generated as soon as we emit such critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments are invisible in the beginning but they become obvious in a longer period of time. Instead of reflecting the reality around us and the one within us in a proper way, through the wise mirror of our heart, we change and we become mostly intellectual, cerebral, mental human beings who judge everything in a critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent way, thus causing troubles both to us and to the others.
From the perspective of the millenary wisdom we realize that through the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments we unconsciously generate in our inner world processes of occult resonance with the infernal realms that eventually influence us in a constant and insidious way. All human beings who use to emit critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments don’t get rid of this subtle fatal influence which affects their inner world in a longer period of time and change the way in which they perceive and discover themselves. When we look at ourselves through such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments, all that is good, beautiful, creative and harmonious within us becomes in this way ugly, repugnant, disharmonious, hilarious, meaningless, etc…

The creative and original human beings become the target of the critics

If we studied carefully and lucidly the way in which such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments persist on this planet, we would discover that they differ in a certain degree, according to the value system of each culture. As soon as a human being becomes creatively original or awakens certain beneficial paranormal inner qualities that make him be superior to other human beings in a certain degree, the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments start to manifest shortly after and often focus in unison on such a human being through a bizarre tacit solidarity. As soon as a human being becomes exceptional in wellness and is able to do something special and beneficial that draws the attention of many other human beings on him, the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments start to flow shortly after and often focus grimly on that human being. All these occur especially when some human beings do good, beautiful, harmonious, divinely inspired, creative things or actions. As soon as certain human beings are noticed through beneficial actions or aspire to be original in a creative and beneficial way, such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments start to manifest in unison.

There is a great similarity regarding the effects of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. Such judgments have the ability to handicap some people, to make them miserable and inefficient especially when they cannot realize the harmful effects, which they generate in their inner world. Thus, they become some unconscious victims of such judgments. When this kind of critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments awaken within us it is almost impossible to ever satisfy this tendency. It is not a wonder that that human being becomes “eternally unsatisfied” most of the times.

These kinds of critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments manifest as a predominant aspect as they become a habit and most of the times they even amplify. Such a tendency manifests just like a parent that unceasingly criticizes us accusingly, superficially and malevolently. He doesn’t like anything of what we do. This habit of emitting critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments manifest then in a constant way and it can be silenced only when it is transcended. When we are not able to reflect the reality around our own reality or ourselves in a superior way, which excludes both the judgment in general, and this kind of judgments, this tendency grows and then it manifests just like a many-headed dragon. Then, the more we strive to build something good within us but maintaining this kid of (critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent) judgment, the stronger it becomes – in a paradoxical way.

Awaken the wisdom of your heart!

When we try to please this critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgment because of our ignorance and naivety, we realize that it manifest an ever-growing tendency. All we can do in such a situation is to completely transcend this way of reacting and to reflect reality in some other way, a superior and wiser one, without thinking. The gradual admittance of this possibility that potentially exists in our inner world implies a lucid and objective knowledge of the actual state and makes our inner world become a SUI GENERIS mirror centered in the heart. This will awaken what the wise name “the wisdom of the heart”.

Only then we can say that we transcend the tendency to judge critically, accusingly, superficially, and malevolently and we start to reflect both the reality around us and ourselves in a superior way. This step forward which is an extraordinary one generates then a deep and lasting transformation in our being as it helps us become regenerated inside human beings that live and reflect reality without thinking (as they used to do). In the same time, the inner awakening of this superior way of reflecting reality being permanently centered in the heart area (at the level of the subtle force center ANAHATA CHAKRA) grows and blossoms the wisdom of the heart in our MICROCOSM. As we all know, the awakening of the heart wisdom in our inner world greatly contribute to the revelation of the Ultimate, Divine Truth about which JESUS CHRIST spoke when he said: “KNOW THE (ULTIMATE, DIVINE) TRUTH AND THE (ULTIMATE, DIVINE) TRUTH WILL SET YOUR FREE”.

The inner critical voices are not the “voice of the heart”

It is self-understood that in order to make this step and in order to begin our apprenticeship, which allows us to exist (in the yogic way of life) without judging, we must resort to a proper spiritual training. It is also important to realize that this way of judging critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently can be often taken for the so called ‘inner voice’ by some of us. That is why we should realize that this pseudo-voice which emits critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments (most of the time for some of us) is not ‘the mysterious voice of the wisdom of the heart’ about which the great wise, saints and even advanced yogis talk about.

To accept this tendency of judging in a critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent way as a ’natural’ tendency eventually generates a so-called sub-personality in our inner world, which can paralyze our inner development (in most of the cases) and can slow down our spiritual evolution considerably (in certain cases). Such a sub-personality often blocks our ability to build a harmonious and creative existence.

Critical judgments in the light of the spiritual traditions

Aiming to a state of profound peace in our inner world, most of the religions and authentic spiritual traditions made the lack of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments an almost absolute rule. Some of them practically suggest simple methods that help us get rid of this pathetic human tendency, which seems excessively human when it is viewed from a certain perspective.
Christianity tells us that it is the best to let GOD the FATHER be and remain the only judge both of the facts and actions of the other human beings and of our own facts and actions which we use to judge critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently. As we mentioned before, JESUS said: ‘Do not judge (in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way) and then you will not be judged (in a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent way) yourselves’. (Luke: VI:37).

Revelations of JESUS versus Judaic tradition

According to the wise teachings of JESUS Christ, the human being is almost always unable to feel and know as well as possible all that is happening in somebody else’s being and heart (as GOD can feel and know) as it is self-understood that ‘only GOD is able to search the reins and hearts of people in a completely wise manner.’ The evangelic revelation of JESUS is full of wisdom and profoundly emancipating compared to the so-called Judaic law, which is severe, compelling and proud. JESUS’ wise revelation also announces a certain spiritual revolution. This is and remains a very important aspect which unfortunately only a few human beings can intuit now (All these things are obviously valid for our spiritual YOGA school, too.)

Another aspect of this grounded reserve from the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments is manifested in the well-known parable of the adulterous woman. As we know, JESUS said in that case: “Let he who is without sin cast the stone first.” In other words, we can say that sometimes we are tempted to reproach the others even more vehemently than what we have done, we do or we want to do ourselves. Nevertheless, as soon as the church got the power the clergy started to judge (with no right, critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently), to condemn and to blame. This obvious perversion of the message of JESUS CHRIST had short periods of absence. In the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance this tendency exacerbated and reached its climax especially during the XIX century when the ethic, preponderantly bourgeois and excessively devout had as a model, especially to the Catholics, the priest in the black robe that was named manager of consciousness.

Taoism recommends a transfiguring perspective

The Taoist tradition often recommends that the profound and indescribable complexity of human beings, things and situations should be respected. From perspective of the Taoist wisdom the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments is mostly blind. It denies the mystery and complexity of human beings, too. The Taoist tradition is the closest one to the wise appreciation of beings and things. Its ideal is the generally wise and objective search.

When we judge critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently almost everything makes us blinded by our thoughts or by some opinions with which we need. All these stop us most of the time (without realizing) from wisely and profoundly valuing what human beings, things and situation are in fact. The critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment is most of the times opposed to the state of inner openness and superior receptiveness to people and situations. Once, the wise Lao Tze (who is the founder of Taoism) said: „There isn’t a more cruel form of tyranny than the one that perpetuates under the defense of law and in the name of a so-called justice.”

Clemency and patience in the Islamic tradition


In the Islamic tradition, patience and mercy for the others are unanimously cultivated. In the Koran, Mohamed the prophet said: “Allah (GOD) is merciful and that is why He loves mercy in all situations.” More lines from the Koran insist on the necessity of not judging the other critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently and plead for the awakening of the concordantly virtues like: mercy, clemency, compassion and forgiveness. The finality of the suspension of the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments is double. On one side, the human being full of faith in Allah (GOD) acts so that he awakens certain divine qualities in his inner world. In this case, it is a perfect clemency. On the other side, the absence of the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments combined with this clemency aims at the liberation of the human consciousness from its inner tensions.
A daily training for more patience and compassion to the others calms our consciousness, which experiences a distressful state of contraction, which fatally wastes our inner energy. The advice regarding the suspension of the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments is an important key to the profound peace of our soul and it is also a condition for an excellent psychic health.

Buddhism recommends a just and profound perspective

In the Buddhist tradition, the human being is advised to manifest a just, profound and complex perspective on reality. Many of us have a simplistic view on Buddhism, a view that doesn’t correspond to reality, which we have got on the grounds of some elements that we know about the Zen tradition. Buddhism talks about the suspension of the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments and it also suggests the introduction and maintenance of a state of detachment. One of the fundamental principles of Buddha’s knowledge is the concept of PRAJNA that could be translated in the following words: “To see in a clearest way”.

In other words, in order to get rid of sufferance we must get used to see the world around and the reality just as they are. This means that we should be as lucid as possible and that we should release the three poisons, which are: the motionless state or hanging to an obstacle, the state of ignorant indifference and the state of aggressiveness. All these are some A PRIORI ways of the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments, which pollute our vision of the others and of the reality. Afterwards, when we are able to manifest a just, clear and profound vision on reality, we no longer discriminate or judge all that exists critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently.

We offer you a simple method that helps us immediately remove certain critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments.

Ask yourselves in order to know you
and in this way you discover yourselves!


1. Is this completely true?
2. Can I have an absolute certainty that what I think is true?
3. What kind of reaction awakens this critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment within me?
4. How did I feel before I have started to feed this critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment?
5. Is the process of OCCULT RESONANCE generated within me by this critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment beneficial for me?
6. Does this critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment contribute to my inner transformation for better?
7. If I tried to firmly and powerfully imagine here and now that GOD is permanently present in the essence of my being and, in the same time, that I am eternally embraced by GOD, how would this critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment eventually seem to me when it has been contemplated FROM GOD’S PERSPECTIVE (for at least 3 minutes)?

These questions, which are famous nowadays, four of them were formulated by BYRON KATIES (who achieved a profound state of Enlightment through their help) and now they have been enriched and completed by us with other three creative questions.

As we all can easily realize each critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgment implies then an inevitable responsibility.



Responsibility = the term responsibility comes from the Latin word RESPONDERE, which means “TO GO BAIL FOR SOMEBODY”. This implies the obligation to be responsible in a certain way either for our actions or for others actions for which we go bail ourselves before. Responsibility implies both the permanence of self-consciousness in time and the freedom, which, when we assume it and we act in a certain way, we immediately become responsible for the action that we have done. Thus, there is a moral responsibility (imputableness which implies only the self consciousness and GOD) and there is a juridical responsibility beyond it, which refers to the entire society. The juridical responsibility comprises the penal responsibility and the civil responsibility.
 The recognition of the fundamental law of causality generates a more responsible attitude in the human being. Being aware that the thoughts, judgments, words and actions always and without exception cause effects ineluctably, the wise watches them so that bad or fatal situations should not occur for him and for the entire world. To be fully responsible also implies to be courageous and to live assuming the consequences of our actions and the possible mistakes that we make. It is self understood that responsibility implies that we admit that we are the doer of our actions who acted freely assuming all the predictable consequences afterwards.

Being endowed with consciousness, the human being is the only one that should be responsible for his (good or bad) actions and for the critical, accusing, superficial, malevolent judgments that he emits. It is important to remember that nothing can be considered previous to the manifestation of freedom that we have before we act. Responsibility generates SUI GENERIS solidarity of the human being with those own actions whose consequences he assumes. Responsibility is ineluctable in the case of all (good or bad) actions whose accomplishment the human being decides after he previously decided to accomplish that (good or bad) action freely.

Responsibility does not imply only an individual liability as it also implies an active way of relating to that action by assuming some liabilities and even risks. Responsibility differs from liability in a way. Responsibility refers to a self – engagement freely consented even when we don’t realize that. The relation between responsibility and culpability has moral implications as the criteria of appreciating the human behavior is an inner one not an exterior one in such a case. It is based on judgments of immanent value. When we say that we are responsible for a certain action, it means we admit that we are its doer and we accept the consequences of the accomplishment of that action.

The three basic conditions of responsibility are:
1. the existence of a moral or divine law
2. our complete mental health
3. the entire freedom of acting

Responsibility is the situation of a human being that answers for a fact or action that he has done in a certain way. We are always fully responsible only for the facts or actions that we have intended and then we have accomplished.

In the case of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments we should never forget that as soon as we emit such a (critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent) judgment we instantaneously become responsible for the judgment that we emitted. We may say that we can never get rid of the responsibility of a certain critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgment. The time and the energy that we implicitly invested when we have emitted a critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgment make us become responsible and draw towards us the consequences of that judgment at the right time.
From a certain point of view, responsibility is a fundamental principle according to which the man will eventually answer in front of GOD for all his thoughts, for all the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments, for all his words and actions. All human beings are directly responsible in front of GOD for their critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments. It is self understood that such critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments that we emit then generate certain KARMA, whose consequences we will have to bear (at the right time). 

The human being could not benefit from the gifts that he would deserve or from the grace of GOD as long as he keeps sinning or, in other words, as long as he keeps making mistakes. JESUS showed clearly the responsibility of the human beings that have benefited from the knowledge of GOD’s Will. Each human being will answer in front of GOD for his actions, for his attitude or for the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments manifested for him or for the others. This is possible because, as Paul the Apostle said: “WE ARE THE LIMBS ONE FOR THE OTHER.” (Ephesians)

Even when we do not realize it, each human being is responsible in the same time for the mistakes or sins of the human beings around ourselves. This happens if we do not warn the evil one and we do not ask or encourage him to transform his life for the better. JESUS underlined this collective responsibility when He foretold the citizens of Chorazin and Bethsaida that they would have the same fate. (Gospel of Mark XI:21 and Gospel of Luke XII:13).

The human beings who strongly believe in GOD and who do not sin anymore after they have reached a state of purity are spared in this way of any divine judgment when they leave this world forever through the so-called death. They also receive from GOD the divine force needed for not falling into temptation and the power to successfully fight against the possible temptations or sins that might appear in their life at a certain moment. We can say that, in this way, the divine grace and forgiveness come to help the human guilt when it is the case and thus an alibi appears regarding the burden of our responsibility when we are in front of GOD.

Commonly speaking, none human being can get rid of the responsibilities implied by the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments.

Aphorisms and thoughts about judgment

34. The more we get used to judge critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently the others and ourselves, the less we love.

35. There isn’t anything that marks the intelligent and solid judgment of a human being so much as the possibility of choosing the least inconvenient from many other inconveniences.

36. Generally speaking, even when we do not realize it, our own judgments judge us most of the times even better than they can judge what we intend to judge.

37. Judging is sometimes a pleasure for some human beings. But to understand deeply, complexly and intuitively is always a bigger pleasure.

38. Most of the times we do not judge critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently the human beings that we truly love.

39. Most of the times, we are disturbed not by the situations that occur or by the events that we take part in but by the judgments that we emit about them. Few human beings realize that in fact, each judgment that we emit generates a specific process of occult resonance within us immediately after that.

40. The critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgment is always easy and handiest for everybody. But any genial, grandiose and extraordinary success is laborious and difficult.

41. If you asked me what I think about those who often judge critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently, I would amusingly answer that it is as if you asked the moon in the sky what it thought about the dogs barking or howling looking at it in the night.

42. You would better open the umbrella of detachment immediately in front of all critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments and let “flow” near you all the poison and dirt of the ones manifesting in such a way without being influenced by them. Acting promptly in this way, you do not allow this dirt to generate fatal processes of occult resonance in your inner world. If you always did like this you would make all these poisoned gifts return to their sender and the poor human being who manifested all these dirty things is obliged to bear the reversal shock hat he deserves. Sooner or later such human beings will realize that when you do bad things you receive bad things.

43. The critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments often are a SUI GENERIS tax which envy pours over the merit.

44. The mediocre and miserable human beings rush to condemn and judge critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently all that is good and authentic and appears in their lives and which could transform them (if it were accepted and assimilated in the right way).

45. All human beings who deserve being fully appreciated and admired for the wellness that they offer with GOD’s help from the abundance of their nature, often stand very well to be judged critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently manifesting a Olympian detachment.

46. The wise never say anything that he can’t prove through some eloquent proves.

47. An arrow launched forcefully and skillfully can penetrate our body. A critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgment aiming us generates a process of occult resonance in our being with the poison that it manifests when we accept to open ourselves to the poison that it manifests. Such a judgment penetrates our soul and thus the poison that it manifests affects us. Knowing it, we should be detached in front of all critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments emitted to us.

48. It is worth remembering that we discover joyfully when we analyze carefully the past that many statues or monuments have been built in the memory of those who had often been judged critically, accusingly, superficially and malevolently during their times and not in the memory of the stupid, bad and fierce ones who wasted their energy and time judging them.

49. The human beings in whom a demonic state has awakened and who had been on an authentic spiritual path before can be easily recognized through the fact that they have always been and they are always unsatisfied by all the wellness that has been or is offered to them. Such human beings never appreciate any of the spiritual revelations that the others enjoy. They are ungrateful and often manifest critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments to the spiritual guide and to all that GOD has offered or is offering them. Such human beings that indulge in misery and anarchic manifestations do not make any step forward and they start to regress year by year, without realizing that the spiritual blindness is about to grab them. While their colleagues transform gradually and some of them even make spiritual steps according to their efforts, these inveterate of such poisoning judgments fall deeper and deeper in the abyss that opens in their inner world as they look into it and thus they finally open to the abyss of the infernal realms with which they get used to resonate more and more.

50. Analyzing attentively, lucidly and detachedly the human beings who preponderantly manifest critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments we realize that they often try to “raise” themselves in this way while they are lowering and defaming fiercely the ones who actually deserve their admiration, respect and consideration.

51. It is obvious that it is easier for the human beings who use to judge critically, superficially, accusingly and malevolently to “demolish” than to build and they think that it is more natural to deny and to find “spots on the sun” than to appreciate and imitate what is good and creative in the others.

52. Looking attentively and lucidly around us, we discover that not even GOD the FATHER could get rid and can get rid of the critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments of the stupid. Let us not forget that there are even now some poor human beings who fiercely believe that GOD does not exist.

53. On this planet of non promoted beings on that we live we can say that we cannot get rid of the multitude of critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments only when – maybe – we don’t ever say anything, we don’t ever do anything or when we are nobody. But even then we cannot be completely sure that we have got rid of these poisoned judgments forever.

54. When we truly feel the support that comes from GOD while we do good things day by day, we can be happy when some irrational human beings manifest critical, accusing, superficial and malevolent judgments to us as this is the proof that we are doing something beneficial, important and worthy which disturbs Satan and the satanic spirits that are accusing and criticizing almost unceasingly and fiercely the human being that make good things.


July 2010



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