Powerful thoughts that allow us to induce and maintain unaltered the state of yoga in our mind

  by Yoga professor Gregorian Bivolaru

  • If we look inside and outside of ourselves with attention and lucidity, we discover that in reality there are no urgent matters. This way we can realize that often there are only people in a rush.

  •  All that is truly useful and valuable is always at our disposal, and is free of charge. A significant example of this is the Endless Energy of Love.
  • It is infinitely better to always appreciate ourselves with attention and lucidity, at our true worth, instead of despising ourselves.
  • To easily reach a state of contemplation, it is recommended that we try at least once every day to detach ourselves from spontaneous thoughts, and to let them drift past like clouds in the sky. When we enter such a state of contemplation, it is very good to aim to be life and not think of life.
  • Never lose sight of what is always available and extremely valuable. That mysterious something, omniscient, omnipresent and eternal, is God the Father embracing us tirelessly, even when we do not expect it.
  • In the silence and complete solitude in which we are aware of the presence of God and His tireless embrace, it gradually becomes possible to experiment and enter the essence through intuition. 
  • It is never too late to say STOP to anything that needs to be stopped immediately.  
  • The wise one enthusiastically contemplates the universe in a single rain drop, and perceives intuitively the inner presence of paradise in a wondrous flower. While loving God for a few privileged moments, one discovers that by doing so, one becomes tangent with the infinite, and drunk from the yearning for the absolute, savors eternity.
  • The eternally hurried human being never reaches the destination.
  • Even if the subtle energy of peace is profoundly attracted to the MICROCOSM of our being from the MACROCOSM, this state of profound peace springs out from within, and thus there is no need to look for it outside.
  • It is infinitely more valuable to start a beneficial action at the right time, than to start it frantically and chaotically at whatever time.
  • Magical instants occur at rare privileged moments, when – more than ever – we must pay attention so as not to allow words to hinder the language of mysterious silence in which God resides.
  • The human being, animated by good intentions and aspiring to achieve wonders, always discovers an intelligent and adequate way to complete everything. The human being that never wants to achieve anything, always finds excuses or reasons.
  • It is greatly foolish to waste our time regretting lost time.
  • If at a certain moment you reach a point when you consider that there is nothing else to be created, realize that the time has come for you to start creating and profoundly transforming yourself.
  • The life of human beings is very short, but tormenting states of boredom make it seem very long.

  • To the human being capable of rightfully appreciating it, the spirit is and always will be the opposite of money. That is precisely why it is not strange that in the case of those who have spirit, the less money they have the more satisfied and fulfilled they are. Instead of having many possessions, it is infinitely better to succeed to experience your immortal essence (ATMAN, the Supreme Immortal Self).
  • For the wise, worldly heaven is exactly here and now.
  • While beneficial action manifests creatively, inaction remains in fantasy.
  • Don’t wipe away your tears of joy, as they are reclaimed from pain and suffering.
  • We never reach as far as we should unless we know beforehand where we are headed.
  • In and by itself, God’s silence is mysterious, overpowering and great, the rest is illusory, ephemeral and frail.
  • Who fears suffering, starts suffering in anticipation of precisely what one fears. When we activate within our inner universe the occult resonance process of suffering, we set the suffering in motion long before we actually begin to suffer. Hence the proverbial saying, “What you fear does not elude you”.
  • Those who try to gain too much time thoughtlessly, end up losing it.
  • If we carefully look inward with attention and lucidity, we discover that we are never as unhappy as we think, or, as happy as we foolishly hoped.
  • The true challenge of existence does not lie in gain, as with gain comes the necessity to continue to want the gained.
  • If we were to build a palace of happiness, in the case of idle humans, the largest room would be the waiting room.
  • May he who has two loaves of bread give one to the starving and walk into a garden where he can admire, smell and delight himself before a blooming rose while fully enjoying the sublime and soul-nurturing state that is revealed. 
  •  Just as some rivers spring from a remote mountain, so does the spirit of the human being bear its inner source.
  • To quickly discover the mysterious source of spirit means to find the absolute and undying secret of Heaven and Earth. This source of living water is the Immortal Supreme Self (ATMAN). 
  • By spontaneously and sincerely smiling at least 7 times a day, we guard ourselves against sickness and disease.
  • It is impossible not to rejoice in a deep state of happiness when our being is flooded with profound peace.
  • Guide yourself without hesitation toward the place where overwhelming, divine proof is revealed.

December 2009

Also available in: Română

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