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Spiritualitate universală

Cei mai mari seducători ai lumii

  Nu toți bărbații sunt făcuți pentru a câștiga notorietatea pe câmpul de luptă sau în politică, dar mulți au rămas în istorie cu victoriile de pe „câmpul de luptă” al amorului. Bărbații cunoscuți drept „cei mai mari amanți ai lumii” sunt și astăzi invidiați. 10.…
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Ten ways to embrace your goddess self

by Vicki Howie I remember how much I used to hate the word “goddess.” It seemed so pretentious and over-the-top – and anachronistic. How could I be a goddess? I wasn’t a deity, but just a plain, old modern-day gal. I can’t even pin point…
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Precum în MATRIX: S-a descoperit o metodă de stimulare cerebrală care permite «încărcarea» informaţiilor în creier şi învăţarea ultra-rapidă

  După cum susţin oamenii de ştiinţă, alimentarea directă a creierului cu informaţie, exact ca în filmul Matrix, ar putea deveni, în curând, nu doar posibilă, ci şi la fel de facilă precum „eforturile” pe care le depunem pentru a adormi. Cercetătorii susţin că au dezvoltat un simulator…
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7 Ways to Learn from Your Negative Thoughts

  by Bethany Rosselit “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” Plutarch I remember when I first learned about “positive thinking.” I was to observe my thoughts, then sort them into “useful” and “not useful.” This made sense to me, and it…
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Forgiveness is The Brake On The Wheel Of Karma

  Perhaps there are some people you hold deep resentments against. There is a solution to being totally done with them. The solution is called forgiveness. Why is forgiveness so powerful? Because forgiveness is the brake on the wheel of KARMA. Our understanding of KARMA is that which may be called inertia. Those…
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Ordo Bucintoro

There is a certain positive secret society that had a dramatic impact on destiny of this planet as it has created an energy current that is directly responsible for the exploration of space which will inevitably result in the First Contact. It was founded in 1510 in Venice by a Venetian…
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How Money Changes the Way You Think and Feel

Understanding Your Relationship with Money The term “affluenza” – a portmanteau of affluence and influenza, defined as a “painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste, resulting from the dogged pursuit of more” – is often…
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