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7 ways to attract someone who truly appreciates you

We all want the same basic qualities in a relationship. Respect, love, confidence, being open and growth are a few. We all want someone that makes us feel wanted and adored. Below are methods of attracting a lover that adores us. 1. Be yourself If you want someone to love you for who you are, you have to be able to express your…

20 miracle uses for peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil is so useful that it comes as no surprise that even folks who are not well versed in the use of essential oils will have a bottle in their first aid kit. There are many ways to use peppermint essential oil: topically either neat or mixed with a carrier oil, internally as a tea or as an addition to water, or…

Six easy ways to detoxify

Why detoxing is important Recently a reading of the health advocate Suzanne Somer’s bestselling book “Tox-sick” increased the awareness of the critical importance of detoxification on a regular basis. Lack of adequate nutrients along with toxins are the underlying cause of most chronic life threatening diseases, including auto-immune…

Are you practicing lucidity?

Do you ever take time out of your day to stop and think about what you’re doing and what you’re living for? Do you like what you see? Simply put, are you practicing lucidity? What it means to practice lucidity While some people are proud of reducing their lucidity, or do it because they believe it will take away the emotional pain…

Dancing can help combat brain aging

One of the most fun ways to combat brain aging is by dancing. That’s right – on top of being great exercise for your body, dancing is also wonderful for your inner universe. It’s an amazing, fun way of keeping your brain sharp and flexible. And age doesn’t matter. In fact, dancing is one of the best ways for older people to keep the…

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