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The health benefits of taking the stairs

According to a study presented at EuroPrevent 2019, taking the stairs regularly can help improve your fitness. To date, this is the largest study on cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy people. According to the study, physical activity is associated with longevity, regardless of age, sex, and starting fitness level.…

Is laziness a choice or genetic trait?

  Study identifies a specific gene in rats that relates to physical inactivity. The gene could play a role in human sedentary behaviors. Regular physical activity is a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, a majority of Western adults spend their…

Hyperthermia Therapy: Using Heat to Help (II)

  The use of heat for healing has been practiced for millennia. In modern times, this method is called hyperthermia therapy. Outside of conventional medicine and even within it, exciting breakthroughs are occurring in the realm of cancer healing through hyperthermia that you should know about. Here are three powerful ways…

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