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Face mapping: what science says and how it works

  If you’re like most people, you at least occasionally deal with acne breakouts, skin dryness, redness and signs of uneven skin tone. If so, you probably wonder about possible underlying causes of these skin conditions in hopes of finding a way to get rid of them for good. One route you may want to explore is…

Massacring cancer with oxygen and bicarbonates

  It has long been recognized that solid tumors contain poorly vascularized regions characterized by severe hypoxia (oxygen deprivation), acidosis and nutrient starvation. Over the past decade, work from many laboratories has indicated that hypoxic micro-environments contribute to cancer progression by activating adaptive…

Natural Solutions That Can Help With Alcohol Addiction

  Unfortunately, in our society alcohol consumption is seen as a people “bonding” necessity when socializing, as a comfort when one is sad or as a celebration must-have when one is happy. For some people, this leads to addiction, and their entire life starts to revolve around alcohol. Those strong enough to get rid…

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