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The sweet stevia conspiracy

Stevia, a plant once banned and confiscated in the U.S. during the ’80s and ’90s because it had non-toxic and sweet-tasting leaves, has a story all its own. Even Stevia’s own printed story was at one time seized by the FDA in Dallas with the intent to burn the publications. Competition for Market Share The story of Stevia begins…

The Neuroscience of Imagination

Your brain loves to imagine to visualize ideas, find solutions to problems, and clarify your dreams. This creative and imaginative process responds to a number of fascinating neural mechanisms. The neuroscience of imagination tells us that there’s a creative genius within us all. In fact, when it comes to innovation and seeing new…

Longevity: The Keys to Slow the Aging Process

Most people tend to look at the cycle of life as inevitable, and while it’s true that none of us can outrun Father Time, there are natural life extenders that can activate longevity pathways to slow the aging process. “Genes are not your destiny,” says Dr. David Sinclair, Ph.D., A.O., on the Dr. Axe show podcast. “… You can modify…

What occurs to your body when you eat cauliflower

In the food world, the color green is synonymous with healthy. We even say, “be sure to eat your greens”. And for good reason… the green color of many vegetables is due to the presence of carotenoids (which are strong antioxidants). Most green vegetables also contain chlorophyll (which helps fight off cancer and increases liver and detox…

6 proven health benefits of water

Did you know that the average man should drink about four liters of water per day, and the average woman should drink about three liters of water per day? Most people fall drastically short when it comes to drinking the right amount of water in a day. Yet water is a basic necessity of life, so it’s important to drink a sufficient amount…

Cellular ageing process reversed in historic first

Researchers in Israel claim to have partially reversed cellular aging using a somewhat controversial treatment. While only a small study, it improves our understanding of the aging process in humans. The shortening of telomeres, the caps at the end of each of our chromosomes, is one of the main underlying mechanisms behind aging.…

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